Sarah Mclean

    Sarah Mclean is in France with the British Council. She is linked with St. Margaret's RC Primary School in Stirling.

    Entries for October 2014

    First three weeks have flown in!

    Bonjour primary 7, and to anyone else who reads this :)

    So I have been in France three weeks now, and everything is going very well so far! My school is lovely, there's a beautiful courtyard at the front, and there are lots of different buildings for different classrooms. My flat is at the back, beside an old factory. I really like it, though at the moment I have to come in to school to use the internet, so it's a bit creepy walking across the grounds late at night when I come home!

    I found out that the French school day is very different from ours, they start at eight in the morning, and sometimes don't finish until six! I was horrified! Luckily, my latest lesson is five! They have a half day on Wednesday instead of Friday, and my school is not open on Saturday thank goodness! I also have no lessons on Fridays.

    The pupils here are lovely, and their English is so good! It's probably better than my French haha! We learnt about Halloween this week, as in France it is not really celebrated. Useful vocab?
    ghost = l'esprit
    pumpkin = la citrouille
    devil = le diable

    Some of the pupils are having Halloween parties, so I explained bobbing for apples to them, and I think they're going to try it!

    I have already seen a lot of things in France which are very different to Scotland! For example, when there is a wedding, they all toot their car horns for ages! We thought they were having an argument, but for them it's part of the celebration! We also went to something called la nuite blanche [the white night], and all the pupils laughed when I said it, because that normally means that you are out all night partying! But it wasn't like that for us, it was a proper festival with entertainment in the streets, with people spinning sparklers and doing acrobatics on ropes, it was almost like a circus!

    I am on holiday now, and in France it's two weeks in October instead of one! I am going to Paris and then Italy, so I'm very excited aabout that!

    I have not eaten any snails or frogs legs, but the baguettes in France are amazing, and the cheese too, though sometimes it smells horrible.. :)

    I think I might do some tongue twisters with the pupils after the holidays to help with pronunciation, like Peter Piper picked a pickled pepper, a pickled pepper did Peter Piper pick, so if you have any good ones, let me know!

    I shall post again soon, and send you some pictures!

    A plus! (see you later)
    Project Trust National Union of StudentsBritish Council Scotland