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Professional development

Professional development

Video clips with ideas and suggestions to help practitioners use Passeport pour la Francophonie with learners.

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Video 1 - French learning journeys - Passeport pour la Francophonie

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Each of the countries that is used as a context for learning in the Passeport pour la Francophonie website has a French language learning.

This video briefly introduces the French learning journeys - using the document and adapting the ideas for learning experiences.

Video 2 - Tackling the challenges - Passport pour la Francophonie

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This video describes how the challenges in the Passeport pour la Francophonie website provide opportunities for interdisciplinary learning that embeds French language learning and skills into other curriculum areas. 

An interdisciplinary plan is provided for each country to help practitioners make these links across the curriculum.

Video 3 - Exploring the videos - Passport pour la Francophonie

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Different ways to use the videos on the Passeport pour la Francophone website to intrigue learners; from watching the images, listening to the sound, to watching with the subtitles on and reading the scripts.

There are two videos for each of the countries used as a context for learning in the Passeport pour la Francophonie website.

Video 4 - 'Reading' the e-books - Passport pour la Francophonie

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Ideas for using the animated stories in the Passeport pour la Francophonie website to spark learners' imagination and introduce new topics, words and concepts in French.

Also has practical information on using the different aspects of 'les livres électroniques', such as the speaking scripts.

Video 5 - Using the Links between languages podcasts - Passport pour la Francophonie

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This video explains that the links between languages section in the Passeport pour la Francophonie website has audio recordings with fun and quirky facts to help improve literacy across learning skills, while sparking learners' interest in, and improving their knowledge of, France, French culture and language.