Challenge 1: Le ballon
Learners watch the balloon video and with a partner or in a group, try out some very simple mime stories which include the blown-up balloon.
Challenge 2: Le parapluie
After watching the umbrella sequence, learners practice with a partner, using facial expressions and exaggerated movement. Learners could think of other objects like this which you could use in a mime.
Challenge 3: Le tennis
As suggested in the tennis-playing video, learners could use their mime skills to develop a short mimed scene where they play a ball game, such as cricket, golf, basketball or snooker with their opponent. Remember that weight, shape and size are important and they must keep this in mind all the time.
Challenge 4: La boite
Learners imagine that they are trapped in a box, like the mime artist in the video. How did they get there? How do they feel? How do they get out?Challenge 5: Une tasse de thé
Learners practice miming the actions for drinking a cup of tea; can they decide what happens next in the story? Ask them to try miming other drinks. For example, what steps are required to show opening a can or bottle?
Challenge 6: Le baton et la corde
These mime techniques 'using' a baton and a rope could be incorporated into a story. Firstly make sure that learners have mastered both these sequences by copying the mime artist. Then try some of the other ideas or help the learners to make up their own story for a mimed performance.