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  1. 1. Overview
  2. 2. Challenges
  3. 3. Resources

Challenge 1: The 'hidden' world of microbes

After finding out about the life and work of Louis Pasteur many learners will be keen to find out more about the role of microbes in our daily lives and how our knowledge and understanding of this area has changed (and continues to change) over time.

Other important figures involved in the history of microbiology, vaccines and disease could form a basis for further research.

PDF: The world of microbes (112 KB)

Challenge 2: Glitter spread

This practical activity will demonstrate how microbes are transferred from person to person, either via direct physical contact or indirect contact with hard surfaces and other objects. Glitter gel is used to represent the microbes present on the hands after sneezing, touching the nose and mouth or touching a contaminated surface, demonstrating transmission.

PDF: Glitter spread activity (213 KB)

Challenge 3: How do microbes spread?

Microbes are too small to see with the naked eye and can reproduce at an astonishing rate. This activity can be used as an analogy to give learners an insight into the size and scale of microbes and also to illustrate how just how quickly bacteria can divide.

PDF: How do microbes spread? (178 KB)

Challenge 4: Coughs and sneezes

The practical activities based around SCN1-13a could involve an investigation into how far a sneeze can spread and also investigate the relationship between the height  of the person sneezing and the spread of droplets in the sneeze.

PDF: Coughs and sneezes (144 KB)