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Browse this article:

  1. 1. Overview
  2. 2. Challenges

Learners can use the PowerPoint presentation of Madagascan flora and fauna in groups, individuals or as a whole class as a context for the suggested learning opportunities.

With a focus on the effect of climate change and biodiversity, learners will consider the flora and fauna described in the slides. Learners can compare and contrast these with the plants and animals in Scotland.

Learners will:

  • develop an awareness of species that are endemic to Madagascar
  • be asked to prioritise the species and decide which ones could be taken to another land
  • be encouraged to negotiate their own success criteria and use this to evaluate the final debate.

These learning experiences offer opportunities for links with social studies and numeracy.

Download the sciences overview document for

  • links to experiences and outcomes
  • more ideas for learning experiences
  • suggested evidence for assessment.
PDF: Madagascar sciences overview (364 KB)Word file: Madagascar sciences overview (1.6 MB)