Aude lives in France. In this website she tells Angus from Scotland more about her country.
Of course people in France speak French! But what is the Francophonie? Angus can tell you more.
You can take a journey round France by reading the e-book and watching the videos.
You'll be able to improve your French language skills by travelling through the French learning journey and discovering more about countries, directions, the weather, numbers and food.
Facts and figures about France

Here are some facts to get you started:
Population: 65.3 million
Ville capitale: Paris
Langue officielle: le français
Monnaie: euro
Fuseau horaire: UTC -1
Hymne national: La Marseillaise
National anthem
La Marseillaise is the national anthem of France.
The title means The Song of Marseille although it was originally called Chant de guerre pour l'Armée du Rhin meaning War song forthe Army of the Rhine.
It was written and composed by Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle in 1792 and adopted as the natiional anthem by the French National Convention in 1795.
The name comes from the fact that it was first sung on the streets by volunteers from Marseille.
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