This recording of a Celtic creation myth is told in English by an French man accompanied with music and sound effects.
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In this myth, in the beginning there was no time, no gods and no people but where the sea met the land a white mare made of sea-foam was born called Eiocha.
Eventually she gave birth to the god Cernunnos, and together they then created more gods; Maponos the God of Youth, Tauranis the God of Thunder, Teutates the Protector and the fertility goddess Epona.
But when the gods and goddesses were grown up, Eiocha left the land to return to her life as a sea-mare and became known as Tethra goddess of the deep.
The gods and goddesses then created a man, a woman and the animals from bark from the oak tree that grew on the land. But this provoked the sea giants who fough ta war with the gods.
The paradise they had created was destroyed but eventually the sea giants were beaten and Epona, managed to save just one man and one woman who went on to create all human life.
Supporting materials
Download an illustrated text of the creation myth.
PDF: Celtic creation myth (195 KB)Photo credit: Flanked by two horses, the Celtic goddess Epona is shown sitting on a throne holding a fruit basket on her lap in this scuplture circa 200AD.
Displayed in the Kunst der Kelten, Historisches Museum Bern. Photo taken by Rosemania and published on Wikimedia under a Creative Commons license.