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  1. 1. Overview
  2. 2. Challenges
  3. 3. Resources

Learners will use the Polynesian e-book as a context for the suggested learning opportunities.

With a focus on technologies learners will use internet search engines to research Polynesian navigation and compare and contrast this with travel in Scotland. They can develop an awareness of how scientific and technological advancements have allowed navigation to change over time for example, from Polynesian navigation to GPS. Learners will be encouraged to negotiate their own success criteria and use this to evaluate their final product.

These learning experiences offer opportunities for links with social studies challenges as learners will require an understanding of using primary and secondary sources to research navigation and travel in the past.

Download the technologies overview document for

  • links to experiences and outcomes
  • more ideas for learning experiences
  • suggested evidence for assessment
PDF: Technologies overview (148 KB)Word file: Technologies overview (1.6 MB)