In order to foster an interest in languages, the nursery staff members plan learning experiences in Gaelic and Italian for all children that focus on raising awareness of other cultures. In this way, the nursery provides real and relevant language learning experiences that the pupils find fun and enjoyable. Through exposing the children to Gaelic, the responsible staff members strive to enhance the children’s understanding of their home languages and encourage them to learn more about Scotland’s history and place in the world.
View this film clip to hear the Key Worker with responsibility for teaching Gaelic explain how the staff plan to ensure that the language learning experiences are meaningful.
The staff members promote “Responsive Planning” to allow the children to make choices about their learning based on their needs and learning styles. This model also leads to the natural embedding of the language learning experience, allowing staff to make explicit links to important areas such as literacy and numeracy.
“Planning should encourage participation by, as well as being responsive to, the learner, who can and should influence and contribute to the process.”
Building the Curriculum 3
View this film clip to hear the Key Worker with responsibility for teaching Gaelic explain how the staff plan responsively for relevant language learning experiences.
The Head Teacher provides staff with time and opportunities for collaborative planning in order to ensure both continuity and progression in the language experience offered to all children in the nursery.
The staff also involve parents in the language learning experience by regularly sharing the children’s learning with them.
The Early Years approach to languages learning builds on children’s natural curiosity for sounds and words, and their strong desire to communicate. Language activities in this nursery involve the children in playing games, singing songs and carrying out simple instructions.
View this film clip to see the Key Worker, with responsibility for teaching Gaelic, engage the children in learning body parts in Gaelic through song and gesture.
Another of the key aims of modern languages teaching is to develop children’s ‘communicative competence’ so that they are able to use and enjoy languages effectively in real situations and for a range of relevant purposes throughout their life.
The staff in Westercraigs Nursery engage and challenge the children’s thinking by affording them many real life learning experiences. Language learning is greatly enhanced where it is linked to or embedded in the wider curriculum, allowing children to enjoy exploring and using language in meaningful contexts.
Opportunities are regularly provided to engage with and involve the local community. Children are often taken outdoors for learning and regularly visit the local supermarket where they are encouraged to apply their learning by identifying and locating foods which they have learned about such as pasta and mozzarella. Children, on return to the nursery, are then involved in making and tasting foods from other countries. They are also taken to local restaurants where they are encouraged to communicate where possible with native speakers. Every opportunity is taken to revisit the target language in a very natural manner.
This way of working encourages all children not only to become more confident in communicating with the wider community, but also highlights a real purpose for learning other languages.
It also clearly exemplifies the overall principles and philosophy of Curriculum for Excellence.