A 1+2 Approach

The Scottish Government’s policy aims to ensure that every child has the opportunity to learn an additional language from primary one, and a further additional language by primary five.

Languages in primary

We know from all of the research we undertake that early intervention produces the best outcomes for young people. The 1+2 Approach is designed to expose young people to different languages at the earliest possible opportunity and to shape their view that languages are something essential.

Interview with Deputy First Minister (February 2017)

Case studies


Keith Grammar and associated primaries
Looks at how teachers from early years to S6 work to ensure learners are afforded their full entitlement to two languages.

Corseford School
The school is using inclusive pedagogies and technologies such as alternative and augmentative communication systems to support the learning of Spanish.

Houston Primary
Looks at the resources required to support progressive language learning from nursery to P7.

Materials from the pilot primary schools

Following on from recommendations made in 'A 1+2 Approach to Language Learning', the first of the primary pilots began in November 2012.

Materials used by four of the pilot primary schools during their projects are available for download and can be used and adapted as necessary.

Access resources from the primary pilots

More information on all the pilot projects, including evaluation reports from Education Scotland, is available from the Implementation page.

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