SCILT school/university liaison
SCILT runs a range of programmes to foster links between schools and universities. These programmes give university students the chance to engage with their younger peers, offering school learners insight and inspiration into where their language learning journey might take them and raising aspirations about the opportunities open to them beyond school. Students participating in these programmes can hone their leadership and employability skills and gain useful volunteering experience for future job applications and interviews.
Language Explorers Scotland is a mentoring programme that has a proven track record in raising awareness amongst secondary age learners of the far-reaching benefits of language learning. The programme consists of a short series of mentoring sessions led by university students with lived experiences of language learning and multiculturalism. It aims to win hearts and minds of young people by giving them time to explore the bigger picture of language learning with a trained, supportive student mentor. Similar schemes running in other home nations have led to an increase in the number of learners continuing with languages into higher levels of study.
From 2023-24 the programme consists of interactive online sessions led by student Language Ambassadors from universities across Scotland. These sessions are designed to promote languages to young people and to encourage them to choose languages as part of their learning experience by hearing directly from near-peer role models. Our Language Ambassadors are students of various languages on a range of degree programmes who are keen to share their experiences of learning languages and discovering new cultures with learners across the country. Discover more on our Language Ambassadors Online webpage.
Moving forward with Languages
Building on the success of the “Moving Forward with Languages” workshop series, SCILT has teamed up with languages departments from universities across Scotland to run not one, but two language conference days specifically for Higher and Advanced Higher language learners and their teachers!
Registrations will open in August for the first conference day, which will take place in-person on Wednesday 11th September at the University of Strathclyde. The second conference day will take place online on 11th December and registrations will open in October.
Workshops will cover a range of languages, and learners will have the chance to gather advice and tips on the languages that they are learning right now and get a flavour of what it is like to study languages beyond school.
Please register your interest if you would like to receive more information about these conferences after the summer break.