
We work with businesses and schools to build capacity in language and employability skills.

Developing skills for life and work

Scottish Languages Employability Award

The Scottish Languages Employability Award (SLEA) is awarded by SCILT. It helps schools and businesses to build partnerships through languages in order to develop young people’s learning about the world of work, the value of language skills, and global and intercultural competencies. 

There are currently four different awards under the SLEA umbrella. These are: 


The original award, established in 2019, recognises partnerships that develop core employability skills. 

SLEA – Local

This award, introduced in 2023, encourages and supports the development of partnership activities involving a number of schools within a local area or network. 

SLEA – Green

First awarded in 2024, this award fosters the development of a global citizenship approach to employability in the languages curriculum. 

SLEA – Multilingual

This award, new for 2025, celebrates schools that adopt inclusive practices in order to prepare learners to thrive in a diverse and interconnected world. 

To find out more about each award, and to apply on behalf of your school or network, please visit the individual award pages. 

Upcoming verification dates this session for all awards:

  • Friday 16 May 2025



The Scottish Languages Employability Award was developed and implemented with support from Bord na Gaidhlig and Gaelic Language Act Implementation Funding.

Bha Duais Fastadh Cànainean na h-Alba air a leasachadh agus ga toirt gu buil le taic-airgid o Bhòrd na Gàidhlig agus GLAIF (Gaelic Language Act Implementation Funding).

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