
We work with businesses and schools to build capacity in language and employability skills.

Scottish Languages Employability Award - Local

The Scottish Languages Employability Award (SLEA) - Local is awarded by SCILT and was introduced in 2023. The SLEA - Local provides a model for in-school events organised at a wider local level by teachers, DYW officers or cluster leads and recognises and rewards employability-focused partnerships at this level.

The key aim is to encourage and support the development of partnership activities involving a number of schools within a local area or network.

Upcoming verification dates:

  • Friday 16 May 2025

Get Involved

The Scottish Languages Employability Award – Local is a single-level award. Achievement in the SLEA – Local is rewarded by a certificate sent to the schools involved and by showcasing the successful project on the SCILT website and social media channels. 

The Award itself remains valid for two years after it is awarded. During the time period described above, the school and its partners will be entitled to display the relevant Scottish Employability Languages Award – Local and its logo in their correspondence and other relevant places (e.g. in e-mail footers, school handbooks or social media bios).

Key documents

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