
Languages in S1-S3

Promoting languages

"Learning another language not only opens up employment opportunities in other countries, but it also gives you a bit of kudos with the people who speak that language."

- Jim Fleeting, Scottish Football Association

Developing the Young Workforce


Our Toolkits include links, videos and suggested activities that schools could implement to encourage young people to consider languages for their future careers

Our DYW Toolkit will support schools in organising their own business and language promotional events and projects:

  • careers fairs
  • promotional talks
  • partnerships between schools and local businesses

A series of short films demonstrate the value of languages in a variety of sectors. Contributors include Judy Murray and Jim Fleeting from the Scottish Football Association.

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Making Space for Languages is a toolkit designed to help school and course leaders to incorporate languages into curricula, and to assist young people to identify career pathways which will allow them to utilise knowledge of additional languages and other cultures.

School staff can access guidance on making space for languages within their school curricula and hear from a Depute Head Teacher on why it is important to equip learners with languages for their futures.

Learners can view a series of videos from professionals and academics in different fields to discover why language skills can support study, as well as enhance career prospects.

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'Making your future brighter with languages' is a toolkit designed to give young people, parents and carers information, ideas and advice about learning languages; why it is important and how to go about it.

The toolkit includes a series of short video clips of young professionals talking about the relevance and value of languages and intercultural skills in their career areas. All of this aims to support the young people who are our ‘Generation Global’, our dual-competency workforce of the future.

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Outputs from Year 1 of our Erasmus+ funded project, Generation Global, include a a language-focused Toolkit for business and industry. Learners will find the videos in this toolkit, Making languages your business useful.

Job profiles

Our Job Profiles provide relevant, labour-market focused career advice on languages, direct from the workplace.

I use French on a daily basis. I'm amazed how much languages have had an influence on my life.

- Rhona Crofts, Michelin Tyres



Languages in a nutshell

Languages in a nutshell explains how the 1+2 Approach will be put into practice and why learning other languages is so important. It also suggests ways parents can support their child’s language learning.

Produced by SCILT in partnership with The National Parent Forum of Scotland.

Further materials from SCILT

Our leaflets support teachers and schools in engaging with parents to reinforce the benefits of learning a language. These leaflets also enable practitioners to make the case for languages to colleagues and senior management. 


Scotland’s Languages Explorers Programme

A mentoring programme, based on the inspirational work carried out at the University of Cardiff, that has a proven track record in raising awareness amongst secondary age learners of the far-reaching benefits of language learning. SLEP consists of a short series of mentoring sessions led by university students with lived experiences of language learning and multiculturalism. It aims to win hearts and minds of young people by giving them time to explore the bigger picture of language learning with a trained, supportive student mentor.

Find out more

Promotional postcards

These postcards, designed by pupils in Scotland, demonstrate why languages are important. A useful tool for rewarding and motivating your learners.


Resources from our partners

How languages help in your career Film from Creative Multilingualism.

Languages at work Two films looking at languages in communication and business. Supplemented by further resources.

Take on a Language! Animated video.

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