20 March 2025 (Consejería de Educación)
There are a range of upcoming professional learning opportunities and initiatives for schools offered by the Spanish Education Office and partners. Follow the appropriate link below to learn more:
Summer courses in Spain
The Ministry of Education, Vocational Training, and Sports (MEFPD), in collaboration with the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP) and the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), has organised a series of summer courses in Spain aimed at foreign Spanish teachers and teachers of other subjects in Spanish who work abroad. The scholarships cover the course fees, accommodation, meals, and a programme of cultural activities.
The courses available for UK teachers are as follows:
Course S 1.- La competencia sociocultural en el aula de español L2/LE desde un enfoque multidimensional: entre las nuevas tecnologías y el juego
- Venue: Centro Asociado de la UNED, Segovia. Spain.
- Dates: From 7 to 11 July 2025.
Course SA 2.- Enfoque comunicativo y estrategias para desarrollar competencias orales y habilidades comunicativas
- Venue: Campus de las Llamas, UIMP, Santander. Spain.
- Dates: From 14 to 18 July 2025.
Course SA 8.- Metodologías activas y gamificación como herramientas didácticas innovadoras
- Venue: Campus de las Llamas, UIMP, Santander. Spain.
- Dates: From 28 July to 1 August 2025.
All the necessary information about requirements, merits, application procedure, and instructions for registering in the Sede Electrónica (online site), filling in the Mi perfil section (CV), and submitting an application through the Profex 2 platform is available on the websites of the Education Office and the Ministry.
Application period: from 8 to 22 March. LAST DAYS!
Online workshops - 25 March and 1 April
The Education Office and the Spanish Federation of Schools of Spanish as a Foreign Language in the Region of Valencia (FEDELE) continue the series of free online workshops for Spanish teachers and assistants in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Two 1-hour workshops will be held on Tuesdays, 25 March, and 1 April, from 4:30 to 6:30 PM.
Online workshop - 7 April: “Prácticas y propuestas didácticas para conseguir una comunicación inclusiva en el aula” NEW!
Edinumen publishers are offering this free online workshop, led by Víctor Manuel Sayago López, which aims to provide practical strategies and tools to achieve inclusive communication in the teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE).
Monday 7 April 2025, at 4:00 PM.
12th Castilla y León award for the best Spanish student in the United Kingdom 2025
The Education Office of the Spanish Embassy in the United Kingdom, with the sponsorship of the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Government of Castilla y León, annually presents an award to the student in the UK who achieves the best results in Spanish and has the most outstanding academic record.
While not a requirement, students who have taken an AS Level (England, Wales, or Northern Ireland) or Higher Level (Scotland) exam in Spanish and achieved an A grade will be given additional merit.
The prize consists of a three-day (two-night) trip to Castilla y León for two people, including transportation within Spain, accommodation, and meals. The trip is expected to take place in 2025. Please note that the award does not cover the round-trip flight from the UK to Spain.
Application period: from 5 March to 4 May 2025.
Online workshop - 10 May: “Construyendo un aprendizaje duradero del léxico en ELE”
«Que las palabras no se las lleve el viento: Construyendo un aprendizaje duradero del léxico en ELE», led by Irene Arroyo (editorial SGEL). This free online workshop aims to equip teachers of Spanish as a foreign language with tools and strategies to enhance their students' lexical learning.
Saturday 10 May 2025, from 10 am to 11:30 am.
26-28 June - 8th International Conference: “Español para todos” in Salamanca
The 8th "Spanish for Everyone" Conference has already opened its registration period. This conference has become the largest international meeting on the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language. Organized by the Junta de Castilla y León, in collaboration with the Salamanca City Council, the University of Salamanca, and the German Association of Spanish Teachers (DSV), this conference is a must-attend event for all those passionate about Spanish, whether they are Hispanists, teachers, students, or professionals in the linguistic and cultural field.
European Day of Languages - Save the date! NEW!
On Friday, 26 September 2025, the Institut français d’Ecosse together with European consulates and cultural organisations will be celebrating European Day for Languages in Edinburgh with morning activities aimed at S2 and S3 pupils.
About the schools’ activities
This event aims to celebrate, inspire and consolidate the importance of languages to young people.
Pupils will thus be exposed to different languages and have the opportunity to interact with various people from various countries.
The event will consist of up to 8 language/country “corners”: Czech, Italian, French, German, Irish, Polish, Romanian, Spanish.
Who for?
S2 and S3 pupils from Scottish schools accompanied by a teacher.
The event will consist of up to 8 language/country “corners”, each delivering a 15-minute interactive snapshot session to both S2 and S3 students. Pupils in groups of no more than 7 will rotate around each “corner” and enjoy an interactive encounter in different languages.
Pupils will first be greeted at the Institut before being dispatched in groups.
Friday 26 September 2025
Slot 1: 9am to 10.45
Slot 2: 11.15-1pm
SLOT 1 |
9:00 am |
Arrival of schools/general greeting |
9.30 - 10.45 am |
Students in groups of 8 visit 4 country corners
(20 per corner)
10.45 am |
Farewell |
SLOT 2 |
11.00 am |
Arrival of schools/general greeting |
11:15 - 12:30 pm |
Students in groups of 8 visit 4 country corners
(20 per corner)
12.15 - 12.45 pm |
Farewell |
Schools interested in taking part in the event must register by sending an Email to charlotte.hyvernaud@institut-francais.org.uk
They will indicate the following:
- Name of school
- Number of students
- Level of students (S2 or S3)
- Name of accompanying teacher(s)
Deadline for registration: 30 June 2025.
You can also contact Charlotte Hyvernaud, Education attachée, Institut français d’Ecosse : charlotte.hyvernaud@institut-francais.org.uk