Mandarin Programme

Live-streamed Chinese language and culture classes for schools in Scotland.

Virtual Exchange Teachers (VETs)

An innovative and international partnership project linking Scottish pupils with postgraduate student teachers from partner universities in China. 

flyer detailing registration open for April to June 2025 Virtual Exchange Teacher programme offered by SCILT

The programme runs twice a year over eight weeks, from October to December and April to June. Each participating class will be allocated a pair of student teachers who will work with their class delivering weekly live streamed lessons. The project provides classes for beginner level 1, 2 & 3. The courses are suitable as L3 provision for BGE pupils in P5-7. They are also suitable for Secondary BGE learners. SCILT provides all resources for the student teachers to deliver and additional resources for any class teachers who want to follow up the online lesson with reinforcement work.

photo of pupils participating in the programme holding up their work

What is the impact for you and your learners?

  • Pupils able to access live Mandarin lessons despite no trained staff in school
  • Real online interactions with native speakers from China
  • Children have better awareness of Chinese culture and become responsible citizens
  • Momentum maintained in developing Mandarin teaching and learning in Scottish schools despite pandemic
  • Meets 1+ 2 requirements for L3

photo of pupils participating in a VET class

Participant feedback

I thought it was really enjoyable because we learnt about their country. Whenever we got something a little bit wrong, they always understood. It's been fun. (Pupil - Springfield Primary School)

I am amazed at the progress my class have made in such a short period of time. Their enthusiasm and effort has been incredible and I hope they remember the experience for a long time. (Class Teacher - Bridgend Primary School)

The Mandarin teachers made the lessons engaging for the children by including fun games and videos. The use of materials and worksheets ensured all learning styles were included. The children's progress has been incredible. (Class Teacher - Springfield Primary School)

Roles and responsibilities

A named teacher from each school will be the contact point for the Virtual Exchange teacher and will liaise closely with them.

A GTCS registered teacher will be present in the class during each lesson.

This teacher will be responsible for:

  • registering pupils according to school procedures, and for monitoring behaviour within the class as necessary
  • liaising regularly with the VET and ensuring that pupils have any necessary materials for the lesson (eg by printing worksheets that have been sent by them, having whiteboards or devices ready, etc)
  • ensuring that the class is equipped with the necessary technology for the live lessons to take place accessing the lesson and displaying it on the class whiteboard/screen
  • sharing materials for pupils to access between lessons if necessary
  • preparing feedback for parents/school as appropriate
  • Lesson planning
  • Setting up a chat group in the team and scheduling meetings
  • Preparation of all course materials
  • Delivery of all online lessons via the Microsoft Teams platform
  • Sending any materials needed to the contact teacher in school ahead of each lesson
  • Communicating with the class teacher via Teams or email

A VET's experience

photo of Hannah ZhaoI was so nervous about the first class and worried about making a good impression on the pupils that I prepared the first class three times with different partners. Gradually however, my teaching became more and more proficient and my communication with pupils got better and better.

In class, I tried to give students simple, clear instructions and inspire them to think by asking questions. Students corrected each other’s pronunciation which helped keep class participation relatively high, and their attention focused. I also found other ways to catch students' attention, such as grasping the rhythm of the class, using different ways to practice expressions, and speaking with an exaggerated tone!

As the course progressed, I felt more and more comfortable teaching and liked my students more and more. Every week I was so happy to see my students appear on the screen and say "hello". Just before Christmas some students wore Christmas hats in class. The whole class was full of happiness.

I am very grateful to the teachers in charge of the class in Scotland. They were very conscientious and responsible. They helped us manage the class, maintain the order of the class, helped us point out students to answer questions, and learn Chinese with them. I felt very lucky to be teaching with them.

- Hannah Zhao

Virtual Exchange Teachers (VETs)

Register for 2024-25 Term 2
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