
Opportunities to celebrate languages in S1-S3.

Celebrating languages

SCILT opportunities

Espacios Increíbles

Created in session 2018-19 and inspired by the design-based television programme Amazing Spaces, this inter-disciplinary competition combines and celebrates Spanish language learning with aspects of design and technology. Aimed at S2 and S3 learners, the competition focuses on building valuable employability skills such as team-working, creativity, organisation, communication and problem-solving. Espacios Increíbles aims to broaden learners' horizons and introduce them to a variety of potential career pathways in different fields.

Francofoot and Calciamo

Francofoot and Calciamo consist of authentic, up-to-datefootball-themed resources and a national competition for learners in S2 and S3, available in both French (Francofoot) and Italian (Calciamo). Created through a British Academy-funded research project in collaboration with the University of Stirling and schools across Scotland, the resources and competition aim to inspire learners to engage with languages by connecting them to the high-profile environment of professional and international football. Plans are underway to expand the resources and competition into German and Spanish. Watch this space!

Language Linking Global Thinking

Students on their year abroad are linked with a primary or secondary school keep in regular contact with their partner school during their time abroad using blog posts, emails, postcards and other resources. The two-way correspondence between student and class brings the language and culture of the student's host country alive for pupils.

Mother Tongue Other Tongue

This exciting multilingual poetry project celebrates linguistic and cultural diversity through creative writing, and showcases the many languages which are spoken and learned by young people in school and at home. Pupils from P1-S6 can participate, as well as bilinguals and those studying languages beyond school.

Our World

Our World is a national, inter-disciplinary competition for secondary schools, previously run by the Scottish European Educational Trust (SEET) and now organised by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages. It combines language learning with the art of filmmaking, bringing in aspects such as design, drama, sound and technology within the context of Learning for Sustainability and environmental education. The competition builds valuable employability skills such as team-working, creativity, organisation, communication, problem solving and much more.

Words for the World

Run for the first time in session 2021-22, this competition invites learners in Scotland to use their words to show how the world can be a better place. Competitors could be asked to write about climate change, helping the environment, how we treat one another, equality – whichever area the competition focus is on that session. Entries can be in any language (or languages) other than English, in the specified written format.

Languages Week Scotland

Languages Week Scotland is a week of activity celebrating multilingualism across the country, with schools, organisations and communities joining in with the #ScotlandLovesLanguages hashtag on social media. Languages Week Scotland takes place in February each year. Look out for a series of language related challenges from the dedicated Twitter account, and for some suggestions on how you can mark Languages Week Scotland in your school.

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European Day of Languages

The European Day of Languages is celebrated across Europe on the 26 September every year. It aims to promote the rich linguistic diversity of Europe and raise awareness of the importance of lifelong language learning for everyone. Why not celebrate with your class, and use this opportunity to raise the profile of languages in your school.

SCILT has put together ideas to support you in celebrating the European Day of Languages.

Each year the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) produces a variety of materials which schools can use to celebrate the day.

Tell us how you celebrated the European Day of Languages and we will feature you in our European Day of Languages blog. If you include some colourful photos your article could even appear in our next newsletter!

Find out more

We have made our Word Wizard resources available so that schools can organise their own competition

Run your own competition
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