SCILT opportunities
Formerly run by the Scottish European Educational Trust (SEET), SCILT took over the organisation of the competition in 2024. Euroquiz is an annual project open to all P6 pupils across Scotland, which sees teams of four working together to broaden their knowledge of Europe and the wider world.
Students on their year abroad are linked with a primary or secondary school keep in regular contact with their partner school during their time abroad using blog posts, emails, postcards and other resources. The two-way correspondence between student and class brings the language and culture of the student's host country alive for pupils.
This exciting multilingual poetry project celebrates linguistic and cultural diversity through creative writing, and showcases the many languages which are spoken and learned by young people in school and at home. Pupils from P1-S6 can participate, as well as bilinguals and those studying languages beyond school.
Run for the first time in session 2021-22, this competition invites learners in Scotland to use their words to show how the world can be a better place. Competitors could be asked to write about climate change, helping the environment, how we treat one another, equality – whichever area the competition focus is on that session. Entries can be in any language (or languages) other than English, in the specified written format.