
Languages in the primary school.


logo showing word Euroquiz partly surrounded on left by two loops and four starsEuroquiz is an annual project open to all P6 pupils across Scotland, which sees teams of four working together to broaden their knowledge of Europe and the wider world. Subjects covered include languages, history, geography, culture and European affairs. Heats take place in local authorities from February to March, with the winning teams from all areas progressing to the National Euroquiz Final in June.

In 2024, SCILT has taken over the running of the Euroquiz competition, previously organised by the Scottish European Educational Trust (SEET). Euroquiz creates an enthusiasm for learning, developing pupils' ability to work in teams and communicate effectively, ultimately increasing their confidence and range of core skills. SCILT works alongside Local Authorities and schools by providing teachers with the guidance and resources to support the development of confident language learners.

Are you a teacher or parent looking for more information? See the Information for schools dropdown section below with details about what to expect and how to prepare your team.

To register your school for Euroquiz 2025, please contact your Local Authority Euroquiz Coordinator. They are responsible for the registration process. If you don’t know contact details of your Coordinator, email SCILT at for assistance.

For help preparing your team, you can also take a look at our Resources and Past questions dropdown sections for recommended teaching materials and sample questions.

  • 1 October - Information session for Local Authorities
  • 30 October - Information session for schools
  • 3 February to 28 March - Local Heats take place
  • 9 June - Euroquiz 2025 final

Why take part?

Explore the video information session for schools:

Feedback from previous participants has indicated the following benefits of participating in Euroquiz:

How to enter

  • Each school may enter one team of four contestants. Substitutes may attend the Heat but will only be allowed to take part if one of the team members has to withdraw.
  • To enter your team, please contact your Local Authority Euroquiz organiser. All schools in Scotland will receive participation information and form to join directly from their Local Authority organiser. If you have not received a form, or do not know who your local organiser is, please get in touch with us:
  • There is no charge for entering Euroquiz.
  • Teachers will be required to help with marking during the Heat.

Preparing your team

  • Resources are all available to access for free online and can also be downloaded.
  • Past papers and sample questions are available in the Euroquiz Resources dropdown tab below to help prepare your team.
  • Most of the questions in the Heats will be taken from the materials and recommended websites listed in the Resources dropdown section below.
  • During the Heat, questions will be presented on PowerPoint, and pupils will be asked to write down their team answers.
  • If your Heat is an in-person event, please make sure that pupils have permission for photographs. If there are any pupils who do not have permission, please inform the quiz organiser in advance of the Heat.
  • We encourage Euroquiz clubs to take place in schools to allow past participants to work alongside younger learners. This enables learners to participate in or lead on the Euroquiz project through curricular or extra-curricular activities – for example, peer or cross-phase learning. Having a whole school approach is also important in recognising the achievement of pupils taking part.

The Euroquiz Heat - What to expect

All questions in the Heats are to be answered by the team collectively. They may wish to nominate one member to write down the answers.

We will continue to ensure that Euroquiz is accessible for all who wish to take part and will offer models for both online and in-person heats in 2025. SCILT will work with each Local Authority to provide a Euroquiz format and platform that works well for schools.

Round 1: Geography & History (15 questions)

Questions may include topics such as flags, borders, geographical features, landmarks, notable historical events and people.

Round 2: Languages (15 questions)

The questions in the language round will feature German, Spanish, Italian and French. These will be 10 listening comprehension questions. There will also be a short reading comprehension text followed by 5 questions.

Round 3: Understanding Europe: Culture and European Affairs (15 questions)

These questions may include the names of important people and places, basic information about political representation and significant events. Culture questions may include art, gastronomy, traditions, music and will also give pupils an opportunity to learn about similarities and differences between different countries.

Round 4: General Knowledge (15 questions)

These questions will include a compilation of topics from other rounds. More general topics may include sport, science, currencies and travel.

All scores from Rounds 1-4 will be used to identify a winning team and runner up. The winning team will be invited to attend the final event. Each participant will receive a certificate. Tiebreakers will be available if necessary.

Statement regarding age ranges of Euroquiz pupils:

Euroquiz is a project designed for P6 learners in schools across Scotland. However, in very few cases, some smaller schools do not have enough children at P6 to make a team of four. In these circumstances, SCILT may allow a mixed age team, providing that the majority of the team is comprised of children at P6 or younger: for example, a team consisting of two children at P6, one at P5 and one at P7. Such cases will be approved on a case-by-case basis on submission of a detailed rationale. We would like to remind everyone that this will be considered only in exceptional circumstances.

Euroquiz Highlights Film

Watch the Euroquiz Highlights Film for a taste of the Euroquiz journey, including interviews with participants and teachers.

Have fun learning about Europe!

Schools are advised to use the following resources to prepare for Euroquiz. You can also try out sample quizzes from previous Euroquiz events in the dropdown section below.

Some resources may contain information which is out of date. While we aim to keep our own website and materials up to date, links do change frequently and SCILT cannot take responsibility for the content of external websites and publications.

Due to the UK’s exit from the EU, contrary to what is printed on the EU publications, the UK's EU offices will no longer be the contact point for more details. The information about the UK as an EU Member State will no longer apply.

Suggested resources

Interactive map - a fun way to discover more about European countries (includes link to a printable version).

Let's Explore Europe - This is aimed at 9-12 year olds and gives a clear overview of Europe and the EU. This resource includes information about important people and places, provides facts about European history and geography, and explains what the EU is. This is also available in other European languages.

Try the accompanying Let's Explore Europe game too!

EU Timeline - contains lots of history facts.

EU Learning Materials - this website has lots of interactive games and activities to try.

Passport to the EU - light hearted facts about countries, quizzes, games to learn the flags, currencies and monuments of each of the EU countries.

Languages Take You Further - EU publication introducing children to all the languages spoken in the EU. For the Euroquiz Heats please focus on the French, German, Spanish and Italian pages.

The Mystery of the Golden Stars - This story book resource allows children to discover something about what the EU is; how it works and how it may be relevant to them, in a fun and stimulating way. The activities take a cross-curricular approach, including six different links to the curriculum (Geography, Maths, History, English, Science and Design & Technology). Each activity is prefaced by a chapter from the story book, as an introduction to the task.

Europe in 12 Lessons (resource for teachers) - What purpose does the EU serve? Why and how was it set up? How does it work? What has it already achieved for its citizens, and what new challenges does it face today? Just some of the questions explored in this booklet.

Learning Corner - the EU portal to play, teach and discover the European Union, with sections for pupils to learn about Europe in a fun way and a dedicated zone with materials for teachers.

LfS Global Citizenship materials

With the project’s focus on international education and global citizenship, Euroquiz provides a framework for learning, reaching beyond school to the wider world. You may find the following resources useful exploring the topics above and linking skills, values, attitudes, knowledge and understanding.

Extra language learning materials

Test yourself before the quiz with these questions from previous years.

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