Senior Phase

Languages in the Senior Phase.

Our World

Our World logo depicted by the words Our World with the globe as letter O and film strip in the background

Our World is a national, inter-disciplinary competition for S1-S6 learners, previously run by the Scottish European Educational Trust (SEET) and now organised by SCILT, Scotland’s National Centre for Languages. It combines language learning with the art of filmmaking, bringing in aspects such as design, drama, sound and technology within the context of Learning for Sustainability and environmental education. The competition builds valuable employability skills such as team-working, creativity, organisation, communication, problem solving and much more.

Learners work in teams to create a storyboard for a film, based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals which, if successful they will be given the opportunity to work with a professional filmmaker and turn their ideas into a real short film which will be shown at the film screening showcase and awards ceremony. A great opportunity for budding filmmakers to use their language skills.

Are you interested in taking part?

To find out more, come along to our information session on Thursday 26 September by signing up on our Eventbrite page. Attendance is compulsory for anyone considering applying for the programme.

  • Project launch - 13 September
  • Teacher information session - 26 September
  • Storyboard submission deadline - 6 December

Phase 1: Research and development

September - December

Teams of 4 design a storyboard which outlines the film they propose to make. This year's films will explore the idea of global citizenship, must include the use of a language other than English, and should touch on the following theme:

There are 17 of these Goals, so please choose (at least) one to base your film on. Please see the Resources dropdown section below for learning and teaching ideas based on the SDGs.

Once the idea is finalised, teams send it to us in storyboard form. Storyboard templates are available for download in the Downloads dropdown section below, with guidance on storyboarding in the Tutorials section.

Filmmakers in Senior Phase also submit an audio or video recording alongside their storyboards in which they talk us through the idea.

All entries should be submitted to SCILT by Friday 6 December 2024.

Phase 2: Filmmaking workshop

February - March

The second phase of the project will be an all-day filmmaking workshop, where teams turn their storyboards into real films. Pupils will have the opportunity to work with media professionals and SCILT staff to produce and edit their films on the iPads provided. The films should reflect the original theme and include at least one language other than English. Digital workshops will be held throughout February and March.

Phase 3: Premiere and awards ceremony


The third stage of Our World takes place in June after all the films are completed. All teams who made a film will be invited to attend a premiere and awards ceremony where they can showcase the films they have made. Pupils will be welcome to invite their friends and family to join them in viewing and celebrating their work. Then, following the screening, there will be an awards ceremony where pupils will receive recognition for their hard work and achievements throughout the project.

SDG learning and teaching resources


  • Issue to Action: Modern Languages - these materials provide an opportunity to learn common vocabulary in new contexts and consider global issues such as migration, Fairtrade and gender equality from different perspectives. 
  • Explore the Global Goals - 17 activities for secondary schools.
  • Future Focus - a film-focused resource bringing together short short and engaging films, with a focus on stimulating debate around a variety of global issues.
Education Scotland
Other providers
  • Commonwealth Class (British Council) - provides an overview of how the Commonwealth countries are uniting to tackle contemporary global issues, with a focus on young people.
  • The Sustainable Development Goals: A guide for teachers (Oxfam) - guide to teaching the SDGs, with a few pointers on some practical applications of the SDGs in the classroom and further afield.
  • #Teach SDGs (Teach SDGs) - provides an overview of different teaching and learning methods relating to the SDGs. Their video resources may provide some inspiration for film ideas.

Film resources

Anti-racism resources

  • Show racism the red card - discussion points, teaching resources, and facts surrounding issues such as immigration, free speech, identity and racism in Britain.
  • The Red Card education hub - free access to resources and step-by-step, guided lessons and activities so that you can promote anti-racism among the young people you work with.

Useful downloadable tools and resources to help with the Our World project.

Sign up for the Our World information session on 26 September

Register now!
University of Strathclyde Education Scotland British Council Scotland The Scottish Government
SCILT - Scotlands National centre for Languages