A 1+2 Approach

The Scottish Government’s policy aims to ensure that every child has the opportunity to learn an additional language from primary one, and a further additional language by primary five.


Dear colleagues

As we draw near to the end of session 2016/17, we should reflect on how far we have come as a community since the launch of Language Learning in Scotland: A 1+2 approach. When we consider the amount of professional learning that teachers have embraced in order to realise the recommendations of the policy, we can only be impressed by their commitment to ensuring positive outcomes for their learners. Furthermore, the cross-sector collaboration across Scotland is very evident and has attracted attention from across the UK and beyond.

However, as we enter the final stages of the implementation period, there remains much crucial work to be done to firmly embed language learning in the Scottish curriculum. The SCILT team is considering the best ways for us to offer professional learning opportunities that will have maximum impact on children and young people. Train the Trainer has been redesigned and relaunched as The 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme with a much closer focus on developing leadership skills so that key people in local authorities are empowered to become powerful advocates for language learning. Building on the 1+2 events held in partnership with Education Scotland in June 2017, SCILT will be offering a suite of follow-up professional learning activities across the seven inter-authority areas throughout session 2017/18. Amongst other things, they will give practitioners the time and space to discuss best ways of ensuring that the secondary curriculum builds on the prior learning achieved in primary and will encourage reflection on ways to promote transition into the senior phase and beyond. We will be in touch with development officers to get their advice and guidance about how best to meet the needs of teachers in their local contexts.

SCILT will shortly send out a call for stakeholders and partners to become SCILT Associates. This will give us a network of key people working in schools, local authorities, colleges, universities and wider society on whom we can call to share their learning, practice and expertise. If you think you might want to consider joining us as an associate, then please keep your eyes on the e-bulletin.

Finally, if you’d like to learn more about the activities of SCILT, the annual report for session 2016/17 and the strategic plan for 2017/18 are about to be published on our website. Any comments or suggestions are always gratefully received.

All that remains now if for me to wish you a very pleasant summer. The SCILT team and I look forward to working with you in session 2017/18.

Fhiona Mackay, Director

Download entire issue of SCILT 1+2 Newsletter June 2017 as PDF.

SCILT news

author Jude McKerrecher, CISS, ()

On 10 November 2017, Chinese Hanban teachers from across Scotland gathered with their mentor teachers in the Technology and Innovation Centre at the University of Strathclyde. This was the second annual mentor conference and the room was packed with enthusiastic educators from different educational sectors.

The sessions throughout the day were varied and designed in partnership with colleagues to provide an interesting and valuable professional learning experience. Jacqueline Morley from General Teaching Council for Scotland facilitated an excellent session about coaching and mentoring and the importance of modelling excellent learning. Through use of the coaching wheel, reflective questions and discussion, participants were able to share experiences and thoughts with each other about coaching and mentoring in their own contexts.

Gillian Johnstone, from the University of Strathclyde Staff Development Unit, gave participants the opportunity to reflect upon challenges they had encountered in the mentoring process over the past year and asked them to start thinking about how they could begin to address some of these with the support of CISS and each other.

Before lunch, we were treated to some very helpful and thought-provoking presentations from two mentor teachers and their mentees. Joe McEnaney and his mentee, Aizhi, and Ann Mackintosh and her mentee, Lili, from Falkirk and Highland Confucius Hubs respectively, shared their own learning, tips and advice for ensuring an effective and meaningful mentor partnership.

The afternoon session included insightful input from Lesley Whelan and Kathleen Kerrigan of the Scottish College for Educational Leadership about teacher leadership. Both sessions gave participants opportunities to share their concepts of teacher leadership and practical support to aid reflection upon the mentor role and how it interconnects with teacher leadership. There was also a panel discussion where participants could ask questions or share comments with mentor teachers, mentees and some of our speaker facilitators. This stimulated excellent discussion.

The day certainly allowed us valuable opportunities to reflect together and has provided feedback to allow us to move forward together with the mentoring partnership between CISS, Hanban teachers and mentor teachers across Scotland. We were very grateful to all of our speakers who were supportive, engaging and generous with their time and expertise, as well as to all of the fantastic, enthusiastic participants who contributed so helpfully throughout the entire day.

More information on Hanban Teacher mentoring, including presentations from this conference, is available from the CISS website.

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author Clare Carroll, SCILT, ()

Family Languages event – save the date!

SCILT is delighted to be hosting a Family Languages event for young people and their families on Saturday 17 March 2018 at the University of Strathclyde. Families will have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of intergenerational activities to celebrate and promote languages and cultural diversity. There will be something to suit every member of the family, including bilingual puppet shows, Chinese calligraphy, language taster sessions and much more! More details will follow, but in the meantime, save the date!

Family Learning in Springside Primary, Irvine

As part of the Professional Learning Partnership programme, SCILT has been involved in a family learning pilot in collaboration with North Ayrshire Family Learning team and 1+2 Development Officers. The ‘Wee Famille’ project focuses on developing parental engagement within Springside Primary through learning French as a whole school community. Evaluations from all partners will be shared in a case study after the project draws to a close in December.

Coming soon! ‘Languages in a nutshell’

SCILT has joined forces with National Parent Forum Scotland (NPFS) to produce a publication aimed at providing a helpful introduction to language learning for parents and carers. The ‘Languages in a nutshell’ leaflet will add to the innovative information series for parents, carers and young people which is already available on the NPFS website and will include suggested ways for parents and carers to support children’s language learning.

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author Lynne Jones, SCILT, ()

The revised national languages leadership programme welcomed its largest cohort in June 2017. Under its new name the 1+2 Languages Leadership Programme, or 1+2 LLP for short, now provides a balance of practice and theory, offering a greater choice of workshops and a range of presenters from across the country, representing a wider diversity of languages. This free programme, hosted in partnership by Education Scotland and SCILT, opens with a week-long summer school and carries the option of Professional Recognition from the GTCS.

In a typical piece of feedback about the 2017 summer school, one participant described the experience: “Very worthwhile in so many ways. I have taken away some great ideas, input, insights and ammunition to help me continue with the campaign to embed the 1+2 policy and maintain the very important place of languages in our Scottish curriculum. I am grateful for this opportunity and for the chance to have met some great colleagues and practitioners.”

For the upcoming 2018-19 cohort, the summer school will take place at the University of Strathclyde from Monday 2 to Friday 6 July 2018. Applications for the free places will be accepted from individual teachers or teacher educators who have, or aspire to have, a leadership role in the implementation of the 1+2 Approach in their setting. All applications will be considered on their merits; there will be no requirement for applicants to seek nomination from a local authority/TEI representative. Information about the 2018-19 programme and call for applicants will be disseminated through all the regular communication channels at SCILT and Education Scotland in early 2018.

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author Phyllis Green, West Lothian, ()

In July 2016, I took part in SCILT’s week-long national languages leadership programme, which at the time was called ‘Train the Trainer’ (TTT). The programme began with a summer school. This programme was an ideal professional development opportunity for me.

I developed a passion for language learning and communication when I taught English as an Additional Language in Spain, so I was delighted to be appointed to the 1+2 Development Team in West Lothian in 2015 and I hoped this appointment would give me the opportunity to share my enthusiasm. However, I also felt daunted. Although I had led on language and communication in my role as an Additional Support Needs teacher within the authority, I am an interested amateur rather than a language specialist.

I identified TTT as an opportunity that would support me to lead and deliver the 1+2 Approach more effectively. It would build on my knowledge of both primary pedagogy and the work I had undertaken to promote and sustain the inclusion of children with additional needs in language, communication and literacy. Combined, this would provide a strong basis to communicate my belief in the value of language learning for all.

Each day, TTT began with coffee, croissants and a chat. Classes would usually start with activities to break the ice, which helped us to get to know each other and definitely set me at ease. Opportunity to engage in professional learning and valuable dialogue with colleagues would follow. Fiona Pate and Louise Glen in role-play were both informative and entertaining!

Reflecting on the week, I recognise that, as a non-specialist primary practitioner, I have a sound awareness of the challenges and opportunities faced by my peers. However, an improved understanding of the process of self-evaluation and the other professional learning gained through the programme now means I have a more secure knowledge with which to lead PLL within West Lothian and this has given me confidence and increased authority to deliver the messages around 1+2.

Lynne Jones and the rest of the team who delivered the course created a wonderfully supportive environment, which made the experience so positive and beneficial for me, and I highly recommend it!

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News from partners

author Louise Glen, Education Scotland, ()

Education Scotland has published an update on advice for L3 – a further model for delivery of the same L3 in P5, P6 and P7, to allow choice of language on entry into S1 in secondary school.

More information is available on the Education Scotland website.

Download ‘Further guidance on L3 within the 1+2 policy’ (updated October 2017).

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author Ingeborg Birnie, University of Strathclyde (on behalf of the SCDE 1 + 2 Languages Group), ()

The Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE) 1+2 Languages Group was set up in response to recommendations in the Scottish Government ‘Language learning in Scotland: A 1+2 approach’. It represents teacher education institutes across Scotland. The SCDE Languages Initiative is funded by seven local authorities and is designed to support initial teacher education curricula and involves the teaching and learning of languages and literacies including modern languages, EAL, heritage languages, Gàidhlig, British Sign Language and so on.

Whilst the focus is on initial teacher education, the outcomes can also be used to inform early career development and CLPL. The initiative consists of a number of foci:

  • a National Framework for Languages, intended to set out clear guidelines for initial teacher education
  • a flexible, reflective Languages Education Academic Portfolio (LEAP)
  • a comprehensive, digital resource: the Languages Education Network Scotland (LENS)

LENS is a professional resource which provides quick and easy access to the main findings of national and international studies about language learning across all ages and stages. LENS will be available online to all educational professionals, and will be fully searchable by keywords or themes. It aims to offer practical, research-informed support to further knowledge and understanding of key issues concerning the teaching and learning of languages in Scotland.

LENS will focus on ten main themes, which have been identified through detailed discussions and collaborative work by the group:

  • language(s) in learning
  • language learning and development
  • approaches to language learning – transformative practices
  • successful language learning
  • language and literacy development
  • implications for teachers • Gaelic Medium Education
  • English as an Additional Language
  • British Sign Language

The digital tool will be available to educational professionals by the early part of 2018.

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author Susan Waugh, Scottish Government , ()

Launched on 24 October 2017, the first British Sign Language (BSL) National Plan sets out ten long-term goals for BSL in Scotland and 70 actions that Scottish Ministers will take by 2020 to make progress towards these goals.

This is the first BSL National Plan, a commitment in the BSL (Scotland) Act 2015, and it covers the Scottish Government and over 50 public bodies that Scottish Ministers have responsibility for. Included within the 70 actions there are two which specifically relate to the 1+2 Approach.

School education long-term goal:

Children and young people who use BSL will get the support they need at all stages of their learning, so that they can reach their full potential; parents who use BSL will have the same opportunities as other parents to be fully involved in their child’s education; and more pupils will be able to learn BSL at school.

By 2020, Scottish Ministers will instruct Scotland’s National Centre for Languages (SCILT) to lead a programme of work to support BSL learning for hearing pupils. This will include, but will not be limited to:

  • making sure that education authorities and schools know that BSL can be part of the language offer in schools under the 1+2 Approach
  • gathering detailed information on where and how BSL is being offered in schools as part of the 1+2 Approach, and update this information regularly
  • gathering and sharing examples of good practice in teaching BSL to hearing pupils as part of the 1+2 Approach, and make sure there is guidance to support this

The full plan can be found on the Scottish Government website.

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author Caroline Gordon, LFEE, ()

Event: Using ANIMATION to support language learning and ALL learning!

We look forward to welcoming you to our BIG event linking animation with language learning taking place on Saturday 27 January 2018 in Edinburgh. The invitation extends not only to all primary and secondary teachers in your authority, but we would also like to offer this opportunity to your Higher or Advanced Higher pupils (£50 per person with limited free pupil places available). Please note that someone will leave on the day with a free iPad mini!

View the very special e-invitation to the event.

Places will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Please contact us to register.

Immersion courses

The LFEE team look forward to welcoming teachers on both primary and secondary immersion courses in session 2017-2018. Dates have now been released and can be viewed on our website.

Teachers can now pre-register by emailing Ros at LFEE.

L3 language resource packs readymade and good to go…

L3 Chinese

It has been wonderful to see the huge energy and enthusiasm for Chinese learning in Borrowfield and Monikie Primaries in Angus. The L3 Chinese pilot involved six lessons over six weeks. It focused on Chinese language and culture using stories, puppets and role-play. Feedback from all involved has been extremely positive, but don’t take our word for it… tune into our YouTube channel to listen to learners and staff sharing the Chinese buzz and be inspired!

L3 Spanish / French / German

You can look forward to L3 planners and accompanying resources coming very soon. Get in touch should you wish to have a look at what they are going to look like!

Family learning: French fun for families in Fife

“Increased attainment, parents as active participants, added value for learners”

These were the big statements used to talk about the French family learning pilot project launched in April this year in Fife. More than 600 families enlisted on the course to complete six initial lessons with the option to complete 12 lessons in total. 

How could this work for your local authority?

Find out more about the project on our YouTube channel and hear feedback on the project.

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author Sylvia Warnecke, Open University in Scotland, ()

Primary teacher languages training programme pilot

The OU/SCILT training programme, ‘Learning to teach languages in primary school’, has started its first presentation as a pilot in French and Spanish with 55 students from nine local authorities stretching from Shetland to the Scottish Borders. Depending on the success of the pilot, the plan is to roll out the programme in French, Spanish and German to primary teachers in all local authorities across Scotland from 2018 onwards.

Open Educational Resource (OER) on Scots language and culture

The OU is in the process of producing an OER with the aim of contributing to the continuing professional learning of teachers and other tutors; in particular, to complement the past and continuing activity of Education Scotland in this field. The course focuses on Scots as a living language as well as the history and linguistic development of Scots. This short, badged course is produced in collaboration with Education Scotland and expert authors from this field. The course will be launched in spring 2018.

Languages modules uptake in the OU's Young Applicants in Schools (YASS) offering

The Open University in Scotland offers a range of fully-funded places on their Level 1 modules, including 12 languages modules, to pupils in S6 across Scotland to bridge the gap between school and university, college or employment. In 2017, 164 students from 28 local authorities across Scotland enrolled onto one of these languages modules. Most popular this year are Spanish and German, from beginners to Level B1, as well as Italian for beginners.

Find out more about YASS

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author Sabine Schlüter, Goethe-Institut, ()

Primary school day with Chryston High cluster

On 31 May 2017, the Goethe-Institut in Glasgow invited 31 pupils and four teachers from Glenmanor, Gartcosh, Stepps, Chryston and Auchinloch Primaries to a day full of fun. The students were P4 – P7. Some had just started learning German and others had already been learning German for a couple of years. The aim of the day was to engage pupils actively in playful language games and show them that learning German can be enjoyable. To do so, the students went on a treasure hunt in the Goethe-Institut, participated in a quiz about German fairy tales and went outside to test their goal-scoring skills.

Deutsch mit Socke

Goethe-Institut has discovered a new and interesting programme for teachers of primary German! The German TV channels SWR and WDR launched a new production aimed at primary school children, ‘Deutsch mit Socke’, which offers young learners a simple and fun-packed approach to learning German. Together, Esther and her stubborn but amiable friend Socke go on adventures and talk about different topics like introducing oneself, shopping, colours or emotions. So far, 26 episodes can be found online.

We especially recommend the units Socke ist traurig, Zähne putzen and 19: Ein Pausenbrot für Socke.

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author Ella Leith, SQA, ()

Last month, the Scottish Government published the British Sign Language (BSL) National Plan 2017-2023, in which a key goal is to increase the opportunities for pupils to learn BSL at school. To this end, the Scottish Qualifications Authority has begun the process of developing a suite of awards in BSL, making it an attractive language choice for schools and providing opportunities for progression into the senior phase of education.

At present, BSL can be taught as L3, but the opportunities to study at secondary level are limited. The new awards will offer the possibility of progression into secondary school and qualifications in the senior phase. The first awards will be at SCQF levels 3 and 4, with levels 5 and 6 added over the next few years. These awards will form the basis for any future development of BSL qualifications and if successful they could pave the way towards national courses in BSL.

The Qualifications Officer responsible for consulting and co-writing the award specifications is Dr Ella Leith, on secondment from Heriot-Watt University’s BSL Section. Ella has been busy consulting with BSL learners, tutors, teachers and other stakeholders, and travelling to schools across Scotland where BSL is currently being taught, including Garvel Deaf Centre at Moorfoot Primary, Clydeview Academy, and Dingwall Academy. At Dingwall, the students were keen to share their experiences of learning BSL and their hopes for future qualifications – a lot of enthusiasm and good practice to be found!

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author Susan Waugh, Scottish Government , ()

The Strategic Implementation Group (SIG) was set up in 2013 to lead the practical implementation of the 1+2 Approach, chiefly in schools.

Minutes of meetings can be accessed from the SIG webpages on the Scottish Government website. The most recent meeting was held on 26 October 2017. Minutes from the August 2017 meeting are available on the Scottish Government website.

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Local authority updates

Thank you to the following local authorities for sharing how they are implementing the 1+2 approach.

author Virginie Bradbury, PanTayside, ()

For the second year in a row, Dundee Contemporary Arts (DCA) has invited the 1+2 PanTayside team to take part in the Discovery Film Festival. During the ‘Regardez, écoutez, discutez’ sessions, P2 and P3 pupils came to the DCA to watch four short, animated movies followed by interactive activities delivered in French in the auditorium. The 1+2 PanTayside team has also created a comprehensive teacher resource pack to support teaching staff in reinforcing the learning back in the classroom with activities covering many areas of the curriculum including literacy, maths, health and wellbeing and expressive arts.

Various schools from Dundee City, Angus and Perth & Kinross attended the events. Due to high demand, the DCA/1+2 PanTayside team also delivered the session in remote schools across Tayside. These visits from the team could be the start of many others throughout Scotland.

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author Stacey Arneil, North Ayrshire, ()

In North Ayrshire, the 1+2 team have embarked on a new initiative to raise the profile of languages and engage families with their children in learning French. The 1+2 team partnered with the Family Learning team and SCILT to deliver the seven-week project, aptly called ‘Wee Famille’, in Springside Primary in Irvine.

Amanda Muir, Family Learning Co-ordinator, kicked off ‘Wee Famille’ with a logo design competition. Together with SCILT, the 1+2 team worked to identify language learning opportunities, as well as exciting and engaging ways to deliver the language. They then consolidated key vocabulary into a ‘Wee Famille passeport’, bearing the winning logo design, to support family learning at home. For seven weeks, families were invited into school one afternoon each week to learn French with their child. Before each session, parents and carers had a cuppa and a croissant with the Family Learning team.

The 1+2 team sourced various donations to support the project, including a French language pack from One Third Stories, a small business based in England, whose speciality is sprinkling vocabulary into a story that starts in English and finishes in another language.

During Book Week Scotland, Gillian Muir, author of ‘Wee Dug’ books, including Louis Goes to Paris, visited with Louis himself. Louis, a rescue dog from Belgium, is the main character in these picture-book adventures.

The families have been so enthusiastic about the project and attendance has been consistent each week. The final week of the project will be a celebration, culminating in a cultural event to include food, dance and artwork inspired by Mattisse. After the pilot is complete, the partnership will do a case study and look forward to making the project available in French and Spanish for anyone to pick up and use.


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author Angela Noble, North Ayrshire, ()

We extended a warm welcome to North Ayrshire to our lovely friends from Lyon and Saint Étienne. Last year, we established links between all schools on Arran and schools in Lyon and Saint Étienne, and this year, our partnerships include schools on the mainland too. Eight advisers and two inspectors visited our primary and secondary schools, teaching our pupils about Noël en France whilst discovering more about the Scottish education system first-hand. There were lots of questions and beaucoup de collaboration!

Our visitors’ time in North Ayrshire included a visit to Saltcoats town hall where our Cultural Development Officer, Lesley Forsyth enthralled guests with the history of the area. Their trip culminated in a Scottish country dancing festival with our pupils at the stunning new Portal Leisure Centre in Irvine.

It was great to reciprocate the visits our Erasmus+ participants made to Lyon last summer. Bon voyage et à la prochaine! Quelle chance pour tout le monde!

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author Emily Fitchett, West Lothian, ()

Recommendation 31 of ‘Language learning in Scotland: A 1+2 approach’ suggests that schools and local authorities consider engaging with skilled and trained native speakers to work under the supervision of the class teacher to support delivery of languages in Scottish schools. German Educational Trainees (GETs) aim to boost language learning and intercultural dialogue in schools whilst providing an invaluable opportunity for German trainee teachers to enhance their classroom practice.

GETs from Universities in Mainz, Leipzig, Koblenz and Saarland work in Scottish schools for a six-month placement from September/October to March/April. Participating students are native German speakers, training to become secondary teachers of English, which means that their level of English is advanced, as is their knowledge of the pedagogy associated with teaching languages.

West Lothian has shared its experiences hosting GETs. Read on to find out more about a day in the life of Lara Brandt, a GET at James Young High in West Lothian.

A day in the life of a GET

What kind of tasks do you do?

I work in the classroom, either with individual groups or supporting the teacher. I think the main focus is stretching those who need extra challenges and helping those who need extra support.

For Advanced Higher pupils, I prepare topics for discussion. At the moment, we are looking at the topic of society and are discussing gender roles, marriage, gay marriage and the ageing population. I think it’s important for the pupils to get lots of first-hand information on what is current in Germany right now.

I help the Higher German students once a week, after school, to prepare them for their speaking exam and I have taken part in a primary to secondary transition event, which consisted of fun activities all about the German language and culture. The event aimed to promote German as L3.

What does your average day entail?

I arrive at school around 8am and start getting ready for lessons. I ask the teachers I will be working with if there is anything they would like me to prepare. After that, I am in classes most of the day supporting pupils.

When I have a period off, I prepare up-to-date materials to support topics taught in class. If I know I am to do group work with the pupils, I try to prepare the activity in advance. I also read up on what I could do in the next lesson with the classes I am involved in.

After the lessons, I catch up with teachers, giving them feedback on pupils’ work, especially when they have achieved something that is challenging for them individually.

What are the best bits and what have you found challenging?

It’s great to get to know the pupils and see them improving. Working closely with pupils individually gives you even more insight into their strengths and abilities.

It is interesting to compare the different education systems. In Germany, we have an ability-based education system but, in Scotland, there are mixed abilities in every class. Languages are highly valued in Germany. In Scotland, languages are valued but don’t receive as much time on the timetable. In Germany all pupils from 11 years old receive three to four periods a week of English or French. They then add one other language the next year and have three periods a week of the L3. By the age of 18, most German pupils are almost fluent in English.

In terms of challenges, at the start it was quite hard to gauge the level of work for the classes but now I am getting used to it. It has also been difficult to know how to manage behaviour as it’s the first time I have had to set my expectations. That said, if I’m stuck I can ask the class teacher.

Impact of a GET on pupils

“Personally I struggle with pronunciation of words in German and Lara really helps with that.”

“It was really useful especially when she talks about topics with us and I feel I have a better idea of what is going on in Germany right now.”

“Having a language assistant has helped our class a lot with giving us good background to the topics we’re studying. Lara has helped me with my pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. She has helped us all a lot in class.”

“I feel more confident and have improved my communication skills.”

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author David Kerr, Dumfries & Galloway, ()

Members of the DANSE (Dumfries & Galloway, Argyll & Bute, North, South and East Ayrshire) Languages Group were first been introduced to each other at the National Development Officer Conference at Atlantic Quay in November last year, and the group has now met three times; in Kilmarnock, Ayr and Dumfries. Our next meeting is scheduled for Irvine in January.

A relaxed and supportive relationship is being developed and resources and ideas shared. Comparing notes as to our respective authorities’ approach to 1+2 is proving invaluable.

At the most recent meeting in September in Dumfries, Julia Preston (East Ayrshire), Angela Noble (North Ayrshire) and David Kerr (Dumfries & Galloway) were joined via video conference by Gwen McCrossan (Argyll & Bute). Lynn Crossan (South Ayrshire), Sonia Perez Coughlan (East Ayrshire) and Françoise Norel (Dumfries & Galloway) were unfortunately unable to be with us on this occasion.

An extensive and wide-ranging discussion was held on subjects including:

  • work with third parties, including SCILT, UCMLS as well as the RAF and Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, to run languages events for schools and practitioners
  • differing approaches to PLL training
  • contrasting approaches to Gaelic and the funding possibilities for Gaelic-themed events and projects
  • the use of authority-wide language resources, including the likes of Linguascope, Accès Studio and so on
  • the introduction of GCSE and AS Level Polish in Dumfries & Galloway, following consultations with City of Dundee and learning from their experience
  • possible LANGS-group related activities
  • cluster working
  • immersion courses
  • Lingo Leaders/Pupil Language Ambassadors – our ‘homework task’ for the next meeting is to develop materials for this
  • Modern Language Assistants and the organisation and provision needed to support them
  • technological and online development and resources
  • the sharing of learning from various national events and conferences.

All sounds a bit dry? A healthy combination of good humour and positive support ensures we look forward to our inter-authority, collaborative sessions. It’s not clear to us how many of the other local authority groupings have yet held meetings of this sort (though we know of the Northern Alliance); maybe all have. If you haven’t, our experience is that you’d certainly find it useful… you might even enjoy it!

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