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Biography and contact information for Paul Hare

Paul Hare, Professional Development Officer

photo of Paul Hare


Paul joined the team in February 2019. He combines his role as a Professional Development Officer at SCILT with the post of Senior Teaching Fellow in Italian in the School of Humanities at the University of Strathclyde.

After graduating from the University of Strathclyde in 1998 with a BA (Honours) degree in European Studies and Italian, Paul completed a Ph.D in Italian Renaissance Studies at Trinity College Dublin. Over the course of his two degrees, Paul spent five years studying, working and researching in Italy.

Having gained his CELTA qualification in 1998, Paul taught English while carrying out his doctoral research, both in community learning environments and in pre-sessional courses at Glasgow Caledonian University. In 2005 he returned to the University of Strathclyde to work in the area of Italian studies. Since then, he has designed, coordinated and taught on classes in language and history at all levels of the BA (Honours) degree, and has worked across several languages in the University’s Centre for Lifelong Learning. In addition, he has been Subject Leader for Italian and external examiner in Italian for other universities.

In 2012 Paul designed and launched Strathclyde’s revised Certificate of Continuing Education (evening degree programme) in Italian, a course which has proved to be extremely popular among professionals from a range of sectors, and most notably among practising teachers of other modern languages. In this project he has worked closely with colleagues in SCILT, in the Scottish Qualifications Authority, in the General Teaching Council for Scotland and in local authorities across the country. Another central strand in Paul’s work for Strathclyde is his coordination of the year abroad for students of French, Italian and Spanish, where he has particular responsibility for the internal management of the British Council’s English Language Assistant programme.

Paul frequently supports Scottish schools by accepting invitations to attend events designed to encourage pupils to continue with the study of modern languages. He has been influential in many young people applying to study languages at university level, by showcasing his own frequent and high-profile work interpreting for professional football clubs and his language teaching to their coaching staff and players.

Paul is excited to be joining the SCILT team, and looks forward to working with colleagues and partners on projects which will allow him to continue to operate across languages and cultures in a range of contexts, with the goal of enhancing the landscape of linguistic diversity in Scotland.

As well as Italian, Paul has a strong working knowledge of French and Spanish, while his Romanian continues to improve through the daily exposure of living in a bilingual family environment.


The Ramshorn
98 Ingram Street
Merchant City
University of Strathclyde
Glasgow, G1 1EX


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