The visits
The partners worked together to devise an exciting programme of presentations, visits, workshops and events culminating in an interdisciplinary project in which the young people created a bi-lingual advertising campaign for a Michelin product.
To launch the project Michelin staff went to Grove Academy to present the company and speak about why language skills are important to them.
"This was an opportunity to reflect on the question of how language could influence an individual’s career - it was a great opportunity to talk about the values of the Company as well as support the key message of the importance of learning a second language." Organisational Development Manager, Michelin.
After Michelin’s visit, all pupils from S3 went to the Michelin plant in groups of thirty where they got the opportunity to visit the workplace and meet apprentices in the morning.
"Very interesting, I enjoyed it a lot, great fun and really informative, seeing what the apprentices did at Michelin was interesting." S3 learners
In the afternoon the youngsters took part in a French workshop, enabling them to transfer their knowledge of French into a different context, using materials created by SCILT. They could learn new vocabulary and reinforce their reading and writing skills. They also had the opportunity to reinforce their listening and talking skills when they interviewed some of the staff in French.
"It was productive to do some practical speaking, great opportunity to use our French, it was sometimes a bit difficult to understand, it was a good way to learn quite a lot, I also liked working as a team, and it was good to use our knowledge in another context." S3 learners
Back at school, learners got more opportunities to work on the resources adapted by the ML Department.
"I learned what a factory looks like on the inside…better understanding of the qualities needed in the world of work. I have gained confidence in French, it was really interesting about what kinds of machinery were there, I have learnt how important learning a language is, I am considering the apprenticeship as an engineer in future and considering keeping French." S3 learners
The Advertising Campaign
It was decided during the planning that the youngsters would finish the whole project by creating and presenting an advertisement campaign on a Michelin product.
The manager from Avian Communications Limited, a Dundee-based marketing agency, visited all S3 classes to present the advertising brief to the learners and give them ideas for a successful advertising campaign.

The five S3 classes were divided into mixed ability groups of four. All pupils selected one skill area which they would bring to their group: good knowledge of French, good organisational skills, good ICT skills, creativity. The groups then worked for six periods to produce campaign in a medium of their choice: video, radio, or poster. Then, each class chose a winner.
Showcase final
The five winning groups then were invited to present their campaign to a panel of judges. The judges from Michelin, Dundee Council, SCILT and Avian chose the winning campaign based on the quality of the presentation, the use of the target language and the advertisement itself. SCILT offered a prize to every finalist and Michelin gave the top prize to the overall winner…a trip to a French restaurant in Edinburgh.
"The final stage of the project brought all the elements together. Being part of the judging panel gave me the opportunity and the satisfaction of seeing the sense of achievement in the young people. The quality of their work was at a high level."
"Overall this was a very rewarding project for Michelin and both the Company and the school benefitted from the opportunity." Organisational Development Manager, Michelin
"I was impressed by the entries and it was evident that a lot of thought had gone into the majority of the submissions… it was fascinating to observe the varying levels of interest displayed. I think it was a very worthwhile exercise and my impression was that it was enjoyed by all involved, perhaps with the exclusion of the overheated fellow in the Bibendum costume…. I do believe this kind of initiative is valuable exposure for them as it gives insight into the world of work." Client Services Director, Avian Communications Limited"
View the posters
View the winning PowerPoint