The partners worked together to devise a project that would enhance teaching and learning in the S3 curriculum. As one of the topic areas is media, the teacher was keen to forge a link with a media-based company in order to make the context more meaningful and relevant. Although the media theme was popular with students, feedback from pupils identified the need for more opportunities for links with external partners. Pupils asked if the media theme could be linked to a local business so they could experience how media and languages can lead to career routes in the future. Thomas Hulvershorn of Outplay Entertainment was approached and agreed to visit the school to speak to all S3 classes about this.

Thomas spoke about the type of games his company produces, the specific jobs within the company and the role languages can have in the development of a company. Of specific interest was Thomas’ emphasis on how cultural knowledge is beneficial when working with different nationalities within an organisation. Thomas was also keen to convey the message that young people should look at pursuing a career that is a passion for them and also that learning a language is something that opens doors in today’s global market.
Pupils agreed that Outplay’s visit was a great success. One pupil commented:
“I thought that it was good to learn about how languages could help you get a job and it gave me a new perspective on looking at languages.”
Project brief
It was decided that the pupils would undertake a project advertising one of Outplay Entertainment’s games in French and German as part of their media topic. The projects were then judged by Outplay Entertainment staff class and the winners were sent Angry Bird merchandise.
Nathan and Gregor’s advert was selected as the project with the best design.
Anna and Shannan’s advert was selected as the project with the best translation.