
We work with businesses and schools to build capacity in language and employability skills.

SFA and Kilwinning Academy

SCILT’s Business Language Champions programme helps schools and businesses to build exciting and sustainable partnerships that equip young people with the international communication and employability skills they need for their future careers.

View this Case Study through the tabs below or download as a PDF:

  • Background
  • Partners
  • Project
  • Impact
  • Next steps
  • Presentation

Kilwinning Academy

Kilwinning Academy is a mixed six year non-denominational school, serving the needs of all young people in Kilwinning from the ages of 11 to 18 (S1-6). At Kilwinning Academy, learners study French during the broad general education (BGE). However, this session learners in S2 have been given a block of Italian or German lessons in addition to the time they have allocated to learning French, depending upon which language the class teacher can offer. Learners also have the opportunity of choosing Spanish at the end of S2, as part of the electives on offer, which they can continue to study into the senior phase if they wish to do so. 

For more information about the school visit the Kilwinning Academy website.


The project gives the young people in S3 a real and engaging context for their learning of French and provides learners with an insight into the world of work. It shows them how the learning of a modern language can enhance their career prospects and develops their skills for learning, life and work.

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