
Languages in S1-S3

Essentials for planning

Curriculum for Excellence

Benchmarks can be accessed on Education Scotland's National Improvement Hub along with Benchmark exemplification.

The Moderation Cycle is available from Education Scotland's National Improvement Hub.

Learners International supports schools in their journey of learning through partnerships with educational establishments abroad. From Education Scotland and British Council Scotland.

1+2 guidance

author Education Scotland, (June 2017)

This video resource contains the key messages by speakers from the Association of Directors of Education in Scotland (ADES), Education Scotland, the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS), and SCILT, Scotland's National Centre for Languages, on the 1+2 approach to language learning and the impact of the policy in the secondary sector. The resource also contains key PowerPoint slides.

This resource can be used in modern languages departments, to support discussion around transition, entitlement and effective timetabling for L2 (first additional language) and L3 (second additional language).

Access the SCILT PP from the event as PDF - 1+2 in the secondary context


author Education Scotland, (July 2016)

​​Tools to help primary and secondary practitioners provide a suitable L3 experience.


author Education Scotland, Education Scotland (updated August 2017 updated)

Guidance on L3, to be introduced by P5. Opportunities to build on literacy skills so pupils develop a greater understanding of how language works.


author Education Scotland, Education Scotland (July 2014)

1+2 clarification and recommendations for schools and EAs. July 2014 update.

author Education Scotland, Education Scotland (July 2014)

Amendment to Recommendation 8 on continuity of L2 and L3 from P5-P7 into S1.

author Education Scotland, (2014)

Education Scotland has grouped together a number of case studies, identifying the key features common to modern languages departments, where languages are continuing to flourish beyond the Broad General Education (BGE). These highlight a variety of approaches to encourage uptake in the senior phase.

In order to support schools and key languages staff across local authorities in increasing uptake for languages post Broad General Education (BGE), various leaders of languages in this sector were invited to an Education Scotland conversation day to share their expertise on how they have managed to increase uptake in their departments, and maintain a positive trend. Their experiences have been brought together to produce this video resource which provides ideas for languages departments on increasing uptake, motivation and attainment amongst their learners.


Planning and guidance

Key support materials for languages, presentations and handouts from Education Scotland Inspectors. Included here is also a helpful 'Setting the Standard' document for each level, jointly produced by the key partner organisations.

Key documents

Modern Languages: key aspects of achievement (Education Scotland, 2012)

Curriculum for Excellence documents November 2011 (Education Scotland, 2011)

Experiences and Outcomes overview (Education Scotland, 2011)

Inspection Curriculum advice note (Education Scotland, 2011)

Leuven Scale


Excellent experiences and outcomes (Jane Renton, Education Scotland Inspector, November 2011)

Sharing the standard

CfE Modern Languages Framework: Sharing the Standard - 3rd level (Education Scotland, 2009)

CfE Modern Languages Framework: Sharing the Standard - 4th level (Education Scotland, 2009)

Resources from SCILT

Learning for Sustainability is an entitlement for all learners within Curriculum for Excellence, and as languages teachers we are uniquely positioned to incorporate Learning for Sustainability into our learning and teaching. This toolkit brings together a wide range of reading and resources aimed at supporting teachers who wish to incorporate Learning for Sustainability and Global Citizenship into their languages curriculum.

Visit Website

Modern Languages and Design & Technology teachers in five secondary schools across three challenge authorities collaborated with staff and students of the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Strathclyde during session 2018-19. The result was a highly competitive design challenge for sustainable homes in Latin America.

A Case Study of the project has been produced and is available for schools through the SCILT website.

Moderation templates were created using the benchmarks. These have been uploaded onto the SCILT website and can be found together with all the resources from the project

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