About Us

SCILT is the national centre for languages, supporting a wealth of language learning and diversity across Scotland’s communities.

Anne Cassidy

photo of Anne Cassidy

I'm Anne. This year, I am studying AH French and Spanish and I’m loving being able to study current world affairs in depth such as immigration and BLM. After school, I’d like to go to a university in Glasgow to study a language with Psychology, and also pick up some Italian too!

Where does your interest in languages come from?

My interest in languages comes from my family. As well as being skilled in languages themselves, they have very much encouraged and supported my language learning since the beginning of secondary school and since then, I’ve adored learning languages.

What do you hope to gain from the internship?

I hope to gain more ICT skills and knowledge of what makes content on social media so intriguing and eye-catching. I also hope to make new friends and memories with people who love languages like me, and have the chance to learn something from them too.

If you ever have the chance to study a language, do it! Once you start learning one, you’ll want to know them all.

University of Strathclyde Education Scotland British Council Scotland The Scottish Government
SCILT - Scotlands National centre for Languages
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