Hi I'm Lani. I'm currently studying Advanced Higher Spanish, Biology and Maths in school, my favourite subject being Spanish. I'm not sure exactly what I want to do after school but I would love to travel to Costa Rica eventually as it's such a beautiful place with amazing wildlife. I'm considering studying something animal based such as wildlife conservation or veterinary medicine so maybe I'll combine the two and study in Costa Rica!
Where does your interest in languages come from?
When I was younger I became interested in sign language as my mum was learning Makaton (a sign language similar to BSL) and so I learnt some basic signs to be able to communicate with my friends secretly in school. I then became fascinated with Japan around age 7 after seeing how interesting Japanese culture is which led me to learn a little Japanese. My love for languages never stopped and now I'm learning Spanish and will hopefully go on to learn more languages in the future.
What do you hope to gain from the internship?
I think social media has such a large impact on people - especially young people - and so it would be great to be able to influence some young people in a positive way to encourage them to explore languages. I also think the internship is a great opportunity to meet new people and gain valuable social media skills.