About Us

SCILT is the national centre for languages, supporting a wealth of language learning and diversity across Scotland’s communities.

Niamh Devlin

photo of Niamh Devlin

Hi, my name's Niamh and I am currently studying advanced higher Spanish and English along with higher biology and an NPA in musical theatre. In the future I hope to study Spanish and potentially English at University.

Where does your interest in languages come from?

My interest in language has stemmed from a very young age. I have family in Spain who I have visited from a relatively young age and I was always fascinated by the language and the culture there. This I think has propelled my interests in different languages and cultures too!

What do you hope to gain from the internship?

I hope to add to my digital skills as well as learning about new trends which may appeal to a wide range of young people with varying interests. I also think that the internship will help me build resilience as not everything I post will go “viral” and I will have to show that I am dedicated to spreading my love of languages.

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