About Us

SCILT is the national centre for languages, supporting a wealth of language learning and diversity across Scotland’s communities.

Olivia Fowler

photo of Olivia Fowler

Hi, my name's Olivia. This year I am studying modern studies, dance and Spanish! I am interested in studying to become a primary teacher once I leave school as I love working with children and would like to have a positive impact on young people. I really enjoy working with new people so I am super excited to be a part of the SCILT digital team this year!!

Where does your interest in languages come from?

When I first started high school, I began studying Spanish and loved it and I have now been studying it for 5 years! I feel as though Spanish has been has been one of my most beneficial subjects for me, helping me to improve my memory, confidence and has opened me up to a number of exciting opportunities! Last year I was able to go into primary schools and teach Primary 7’s Spanish, this was super important to me as I am interested in Primary Teaching!

What do you hope to gain from the internship?

I hope become more confident when working within a team and I also hope to become more creative when coming up with fun and interesting posts for each month! I would also like to improve my time management and productivity when sticking to a posting schedule!

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