About Us

Biography and contact information for Karen Faulds

Karen Faulds, Professional Development Officer







Karen joined SCILT in October 2019 as a Professional Development Officer for primary schools. As a highly experienced primary practitioner, she has extensive knowledge of working in the primary sector. In 2009 Karen took a break from teaching to continue her studies in higher education and graduated from the University of Glasgow in 2014 with an MA (Hons) in French, including completing a course in Russian during her final year.

Since then Karen has been actively involved in the implementation of the 1+2 Languages policy in several primary schools. She has engaged in many professional learning opportunities, most notably SCILT’s Language Leadership Programme 2018/19 and has led the learning for both learners and colleagues, providing useful and effective CLPL opportunities to support practitioners with language teaching and learning.

Previously, as an Associate Tutor with SCILT, Karen has been involved in developing units within the Pedagogy strand for Year 2 of OU/SCILT Teaching Languages in Primary School Course. In her current role with SCILT, she will continue her involvement with the OU and will be a Pedagogy Tutor on both the Year 1 and Year 2 courses.

Her key role with SCILT involves working in close collaboration with colleagues in SCILT and external partners to develop, facilitate and evaluate the various professional learning opportunities offered to teachers, student teachers and Development Officers across Scotland.

Karen is excited to join the SCILT team and is looking forward to working with colleagues and partners to support and develop language teaching and learning in the primary sector across Scotland.

As an avid learner of languages she intends to continue with her professional development by undertaking a course in Mandarin.


The Ramshorn
98 Ingram Street
Merchant City
University of Strathclyde
Glasgow, G1 1EX


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