About Us

Biography and contact information for Fhiona Mackay.

Fhiona Mackay, Director

Fhiona joined SCILT in 2012 as Depute Director and from October 2014 has stepped into the role of Director. After graduating from the University of Glasgow with a degree in French and English, Fhiona lived and worked in Paris before returning to Scotland to undertake a PGCE at the University of Strathclyde.

Fhiona worked for several years in secondary schools, becoming Principal Teacher of Modern Languages in a large and vibrant department, offering French, Spanish, Italian and Mandarin. During her time as a PT, she successfully set up exchange links for Scottish schools in Brittany and created opportunities for young people to take part in work experience placements in Europe. As a committed xenophile, she created opportunities for young people to learn about Chinese language and culture by organising study trips to Beijing, Xian and Shanghai.

A passionate exponent of language learning, Fhiona spent a year at Education Scotland as a National Development Officer, where she worked with colleagues from partnership organisations such as the universities, local authorities, Scottish Government, SQA and the cultural organisations to promote and facilitate the learning and teaching of Modern Languages.

A staunch advocate of life-long learning, Fhiona recently successfully completed the first year of a degree level course in Spanish at Strathclyde and also speaks conversational German.

The Ramshorn
98 Ingram Street
Merchant City
University of Strathclyde
Glasgow, G1 1EX


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