
We work with businesses and schools to build capacity in language and employability skills.

Business Brunches

Inspiring Scotland's Future Global Workforce

The ability to communicate in other languages can open many doors in the business world and it’s an extremely important factor for businesses to succeed internationally. Languages in business has many rewarding benefits to consider, which can:Woman travelling the world

  • Boost your CV and increase your employability opportunities
  • Improve your communication skills and confidence
  • Allow you to travel around the world and enhance life skills
  • Gain a deeper appreciation and understanding of different cultures
  • Increase your health and cognitive skills

Our popular, highly informative and free of charge Business Brunch events took S3-S6 learners on an exciting journey exploring a variety of inspirational presentations, selected interactive workshops and inviting marketplace galleries. These opportunities were designed to help pupils gain a deeper understanding of why successful employers view languages as a key skill in today’s globalised world.

Learners discovered the diverse range of careers and rewarding employment opportunities available within each of the sectors present, they also had the chance to engage with and be inspired by a variety of dynamic employers who shared their personal journeys on how languages have benefitted them both personally and professionally.

Hosted by SCILT, in partnership with Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) and the University Council of Modern Languages Scotland (UCMLS), these events took place in Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Inverness over the course of December 2018 and January 2019 with the intention of encouraging learners to continue with their language studies into the senior phase of their secondary education, and beyond school.

Employer talking to pupilsAlthough the Business Brunches are no longer being run nationally our toolkit provides all the information required to set up your own event.

Find out more about how Business Brunches can motivate your learners by viewing our 2018 events page including photographs, videos and feedback from participants and employers.

Visit the Business Brunches 2018-19 pages to find out more about these successful events.

Find out more
University of Strathclyde Education Scotland British Council Scotland The Scottish Government
SCILT - Scotlands National centre for Languages
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