
We work with businesses and schools to build capacity in language and employability skills.

Boroughmuir High School

School: Boroughmuir High School
Project: Kimpton Hotel Partnership
Level: Bronze
Date: May 2024

This project is an S4 partnership with a local hotel. 

Through input from the school DYW co-ordinator, learners first of all looked at what makes a good CV and how to prepare for interviews. They then visited the hotel for mock interviews with verbal and written feedback. Following this, a Spanish manager in the hotel spoke to learners about the need for linguists in the workplace and conducted interviews in Spanish to see how they could apply the knowledge and advice gained from all of their inputs. 

This process had clear and demonstrable impact in school. Here is what the school said:  

"The students found this process extremely useful. They stated that it made them feel more confident about future job prospects and future interviews. A few even stated that this had encouraged them to continue with their Spanish studies and would even make them consider a career within the hotel industry.  
As a school, we are now offering MLLW at level 5 due to the success of the course."

The verification team felt that this submission clearly evidenced a really integrated and well thought-out programme for S4 learners. It is an excellent intervention at a crucial stage of learning.  

The project demonstrates strong and purposeful partnership working with the partner hotel which has done a great job highlighting the value of languages in the workplace, and also with the DYW coordinator who gave valuable input on key transferrable employability skills. The practice for, and carrying out of, interviews in a real-life context is another fantastic feature of this great project. The impact of this project on learners' confidence, and also the impact it has had on uptake, are inspiring. This is exactly what the Scottish Languages Employability Award aims to encourage and to recognise, and it is so strongly evident in Boroughmuir High School’s excellent work.  

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