The partners worked together to devise a project that would enhance the learning and teaching of languages in the S3 curriculum. The focus of the project was to consider how an ability to communicate in different languages is a key employability skill for those considering a career in the retail industry.
The Learning and Development Partner from Harvey Nichols invited the school to visit the store and spoke to the young people about the value of learning languages in the world of retail. She emphasised that not only do languages help communication with people from other countries, but the skills developed when learning a language can be used in a wide range of jobs and industries. She discussed the importance of having the right attitude towards work by being positive, resilient and willing to learn. She highlighted that the company places great emphasis on excellent customer service and that communicating in the client’s native language makes the shopping experience more personal. As a result, clients are much more likely to return to the store.
The young people were given an insight into the company and the wide range of employment opportunities available. They were introduced to employees from various departments who use languages on a daily basis before being shown around the store. The pupils responded very positively and were extremely enthusiastic about the visit:
“I learnt what a key role languages play in the working world. I didn’t realise how important languages were.” (S3 pupil, Trinity Academy)

Information Brochure
To conclude the project, the young people created a language phrase book for sales assistants, not only in French and Spanish, but also in German, Danish, Slovak, Italian, Russian, Bulgarian, Spanish, Maltese, Polish, Basque, Turkish and Ukrainian. This reflects the multi-cultural background of the pupils in the school and gave pupils real scope to use their language skills.

Are you looking for something in particular? – ви шукаєте щось конкретне?
Is it for yourself? – це для вас?
Is it a gift? – це подарунок?
How would you like to pay? – Як ви бажаєте оплатити?
Would you like that gift wrapped? – Вам цей дар обгорнути?

Hello Sir/Madame – Kaixo Jauna/Anderea.
Welcome to the store – Ongi etorria gure dendara.
How are you today? – Zer moduz zaude gaur?
Do you need some help? – Laguntzarik behar duzu?