Staff from Johnstons of Elgin visited Elgin Academy at as part of the Connections Day, with the aim of developing S2 employability skills and their understanding of Chinese language and culture. The entire S2 were set the challenge to plan and create a new product for Johnstons of Elgin, aimed specifically at the Chinese market.
Pupils spent the morning in groups to discuss and develop their ideas. They had access to a range of resources, including examples of packaging and marketing, as well as support from the Hanban teacher and CISS staff. They also had access to ICT. They developed advertising, and marketing strategies, packaging, finance plans and ideas for shipping goods, all in preparation for delivering pitches to a “Dragon’s Den” in the afternoon.
Eleven presentations were made to the Dragon's Den judging panel, which included the Head Teacher, Learning and Development Manager for Johnston's of Elgin, Marketing Assistant for Johnston's of Elgin, and the Hanban teacher for the Morayshire Confucius Classroom Hub. Each group gave a presentation using song, PowerPoint, role play and adverts they had developed to market their product in China.

Developing language and cultural awareness
The young people posed and considered a range of interesting questions while preparing their marketing strategies. They considered issues such as age and gender of the target market, the Chinese climate, traditions and festivals in China, and the popularity of tartan products in China. They also took into account Johnstons of Elgin’s Corporate Social Responsibility agenda as well as looking into items produced by Johnstons of Elgin’s competitors. The real-life context allowed the pupils to develop their Chinese and expand their vocabulary for making introductions and greeting people in a formal business setting. In addition they learned about important aspects of Chinese culture and contemporary life in China. Their understanding of the business world and business terms was also enhanced.