
We work with businesses and schools to build capacity in language and employability skills.

Stirling High School

School: Stirling High School 
Project: Various
Level: Gold
Date: May 2024

Stirling High School’s submission is a fantastic array of projects spanning all six year groups:

  • S1 – a Dragons Den activity pitching in French to sell an obscure product to the class. Part of this learning was discussion about what a successful pitch should include.   
  • S2 – As part of study for the Modern Languages for Life and Work Level 3 Award (Life section completed in Mandarin) learners developed their understanding of their own skills and abilities, what job types they would be suited to, where to find jobs and how to apply. They learned about different job opportunities, places of work, tasks and duties in French. In the Senior Phase learners now have the opportunity to follow this up in Stirling High by completing the Modern Languages for Life and Work at level 4,5,6 or 7.  
  • S3 - St James Quarter and Balmoral Hotel: visits to explore the use of languages in both places, and to see how visitors from other countries, particularly China, are catered for. 
  • S4 – Employability Day; several key speakers from a variety of job backgrounds led sessions on the importance of learning a language for the workplace. This event look place prior to course choice and had a positive impact on the numbers of pupils returning to the department for S5.  
  • S5/6 - Spanish Day, where learners hosted a visiting group from Cantabria, using their communication and leadership skills to organise the event. 
  • S6 – Language ambassadors. This group developed their employability skills by preparing and leading whole school activities, working with targeted groups of pupils in the BGE, preparing activities and games for them to work on during class time and leading ML pupil voice sessions. They also visited S3 and S4 classes to raise the profile of the importance of languages in later life, at university or in the workplace. Through this they achieved the Level 6 SQA leadership award which developed their understanding of leadership styles and management skills and qualities.  

This was an excellent submission which showcased a wide range of different partners and a variety of projects, all of which are commendable and effective. The verification team members were very impressed by the integration of employability into the languages curriculum somewhere in every single year group!  

The team also praised the range of languages covered in these employability activities, with Mandarin, French and Spanish all included equally. This was exemplary.  

We look forward to seeing these projects further integrated in order to build progression and skill development as learners go through the school.  






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