
We work with businesses and schools to build capacity in language and employability skills.

Wester Hailes Education Centre

School: Wester Hailes Education Centre
Project: Languages Employability Fair   
Level: Silver
Date: May 2024

In this event, S2-S5 learners attended the Languages Employability Fair. The event was scheduled to coincide with S2 course choice which aligned with one of the event’s intentions of raising uptake within the school.  

Employers represented areas such as tourism and hospitality. Learners spent time at each workshop listening to presentations, undertaking activities and asking questions.  

Wester Hailes Education Centre is looking to continue these newly developed partnerships with employers through future events and visits. 

The verification team commended the planning and organisation of an ambitious careers event for S2-S5 learners that was held during Languages Week Scotland. This was undertaken in collaboration with the DYW coordinator and various businesses/ organisations, and was an excellent example of partnership working.  

The team was hugely impressed by the range of activities on offer at this event, and at the mixture of aspirational, practical and cultural. An activity organised by Heriot Watt University on cultural perceptions and stereotypes was an excellent fit for an event of this type, and one which is not often included – this was highly commendable 

In this project, it was great to see the involvement of multiple year groups, partners and languages. Normally a submission which comprises of a single project would automatically gain a Bronze Award, but we felt that this breadth of involvement allowed the award of Silver to be given.   




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