Italian Poster Competition 2024

Italian poster competition held in 2024 for primary and secondary schools in Scotland.

Italian Poster Competition 2024

As part of SCILT’s newly-created network for Teachers of Italian in Scotland (TOIIS), we recently held a poster competition for school-aged learners of Italian of any level (including those with no prior learning). The prompt was ‘Cosa significa L’Italia per me’ – what Italy means to me – and we asked learners to include as much Italian language as they were able to.

A big thanks to everyone who created a poster for the competition, and to their teachers who sent in all the entries!

We received some fantastic entries across the four different age categories, P1-P3, P4-P7, S1-S3, and S4-S6, so it was hard to choose just one winner per age group! The judges have now made their decisions, and we’re delighted to share the winning designs drawn by Virginia, Hudson, Halina and Rachel below. Their prizes of a traditional Italian Easter egg each were very kindly donated by Celino’s Italian Delicatessen and Trattoria.

The S1-S3 category was especially popular, and we received so many brilliant designs that we decided to feature some specially commended entries too. See all the winners and highly commended entries in the gallery below.

Winning and highly commended entries

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