Multilingual approaches through Art - Online Exhibition

Multilingual approaches through Art - Online Exhibition

The project

Following on from last year's Polish through Art project, this session we have been building on its success through our new project: Multilingual Approaches through Art, thanks to funding from the Glasgow Knowledge Exchange Fund. This collaborative project once again sees SCILT working in partnership with Dr Katarzyna Przybycien, Bilingualism Matters; Dr Lavinia Hirsu and Dobrochna Futro, University of Glasgow and Jane Catlin from the University of Strathclyde. Together we have been working alongside a group of primary teachers from mainstream and complementary schools in Scotland.

Scotland is a multilingual country that welcomes many diverse languages, cultures and people. In 2022 there were 154 languages spoken in mainstream Scottish schools. Polish is the second language, after English, spoken by most pupils in Scottish schools. It is followed by Urdu, Scots, Arabic, Punjabi and Chinese. Such inclusion of local languages not only makes all our pupils feel welcomed in Scottish schools and, by extension in Scotland, but it teaches that all languages are valuable.

The MTA project explores how language learning can be approached in a way that involves art and creative practices. This pedagogical approach allows learners to explore their multilingual identities giving them an opportunity to express themselves through art-based activities that are fun, creative and engaging way. Each piece of art created by the learners reflects their own multilingual and multicultural identity. The creativity displayed by the learners is insightful and inspirational and every individual masterpiece exhibited in the online gallery is unique to them. 

We hope you enjoy browsing the online gallery and we thank all our wonderful artists for supplying such a super selection of artwork.

As part of the Multilingualism through Art project, we created a resource pack for teachers which contains a series of 10 activities that explores multilingualism and creative practices. For each activity, there are easy to follow instructions and a list of required resources. Activities can be adapted to suit learners of all ages. Download a digital copy of the resource.


The launch

On Thursday 8 June 2023 SCILT hosted the Multilingual approaches through Art - online exhibition launch event. The event provided the opportunity to hear from pupils, teachers and partners who participated in the project.

The launch commenced with opening remarks from SCILT and CISS Director Fhiona Mackay. Professor Antonella Sorace, Founder of Bilingualism Matters, spoke about the multilingual approach behind the project, and we heard from project partners Dr Lavinia Hirsu from the University of Glasgow, and Jane Catlin from the University of Strathclyde.

Attendees then had the chance to hear from participating teachers about their experience taking part in the project. Teachers from Antonine Primary, Bowhouse Primary, Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Loch Abar, Mile End School, St Maria Goretti Primary, and Williamston Primary provided written or recorded feedback, and you can view their comments in the video below. 

Participants were then treated to a viewing of the exhibition launch video, an inspiring showcase of pupils' artwork highlighting their creativity and linguistic skills.  

Finally the online exhibition was unveiled on the SCILT website, where all submitted artwork is available to view. 

View the exhibition launch video below:

Antonine Primary School

Chagallian idioms

Language portrait 1

Language portrait 2

A snail calligram

Bowhouse Primary School

Multilingual colouring book (Group)

Exquisite corpse (Group)

Language portrait 1

Language portrait 2

Chagallian idioms 1

Chagallian idioms 2

Chagallian idioms 3

Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Loch Abar

Exquisite corpse (Group)

Language portrait 1

Language portrait 2

Language portrait 3

Language portrait 4

Language portrait 5

Language portrait 6

Language portrait 7

Language portrait 8

Language portrait 9

Language portrait 10

Language portrait 11

Language portrait 12

Language portrait 13 & 14

Language portrait 15

Language portraits 16 & 17

Language portrait 18

Language portrait 19

Language portrait 20

Language portrait 21

Language portrait 22

Language portrait 23

Language portrait 24

Language portrait 25

Low Port Primary School

Language portrait 1

Language portrait 2

Language portrait 3

Language portrait 4

Language portrait 5

Language portrait 6

Language portrait 7

Language portrait 8

Language portrait 9

Language portrait 10

Language portrait 11

Language portrait 12

Mile End School

A naughty bull (Chagallian idioms)

Big Bull (Chagallian idioms)

Boiling cake (Chagallian idioms)

Cake circus (Chagallian idioms)

Cheeky Monkeys (Chagallian idioms)

Cucumber's circus (Chagallian idioms)

Monkey Ears (Chagallian idioms)

Monkey (Chagallian idioms)

Not my circus & cry crocodile tears (Chagallian idioms)

Speed Boy Bro (Chagallian idioms)

The Big Tomato (Chagallian idioms)

The Monkey's Circus (Chagallian idioms)

The two cheeky monkeys (Chagallian idioms)

You're such a bull in a china shop (Chagallian idioms)

Chagallian idioms 1

Chagallian idioms 2

Chagallian idioms 3

Chagallian idioms 4

Chagallian idioms 5

The flowers are coming, so are the animals too (Chagallian idioms)

Chagallian idioms 6

Vocabulary 1

Bulllllly path to castle (Vocabulary)

Castle (Vocabulary)

Crown (Vocabulary)

Dark dungeon (Vocabulary)

Dragon jewels (Vocabulary)

Dragons burning village (Vocabulary)

Er Heisst Bob (Vocabulary)

Flag Party (Vocabulary)

King being crowned (Vocabulary)

King's Coronation - Royal Parade (Vocabulary)

The King's Castle (Vocabulary)

The Knight (Vocabulary)

Polish School in Glasgow

Pupil A

Pupil B

Pupil C

Pupil D

Pupil E

Pupil F

Pupil G

Pupil H

Pupil I

Pupil J

Pupil K

Pupil L

Pupil M

Pupil N

Pupil O

Pupil P

Pupil Q

Pupil R

Pupil S

Pupil T

St Maria Goretti Primary School

D is for Dolphin (A is for Bee)

Dog in other languages (A is for Bee)

F is for Butterfly (A is for Bee)

Rhino (A is for Bee)

Surprised Axolotl (A is for Bee)

A is for Bee 1

A is for Bee 2

Williamston Primary School

Cheesy trauma (Exquisite corpse/fantasy creature)

Infected with cuteness (Exquisite corpse/fantasy creature)

Jubaca (Exquisite corpse/fantasy creature)

Ogami (Exquisite corpse/fantasy creature)

Shrekalina (Exquisite corpse/fantasy creature)

Spongebabes (Exquisite corpse/fantasy creature)

Tired Tina (Exquisite corpse/fantasy creature)

Unique crazy creature (Exquisite corpse/fantasy creature)

Language passport

Cracked Navi (Language portrait)

Miam (Language portrait)

My Language Life (Language portrait)

My Languages (Language portrait)

My Life (Language portrait)

Portrait of me (Language portrait)

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