
Languages in S1-S3

Poetry resources around the theme of Hallowe'en and Autumn.


  • Epitaph poem (SCILT, Oct 2018) - Example of a short tombstone epitaph poem in French about the demise of a witch.
  • Halloween (SCILT) - A poem in French with Halloween images. Could be used as a dictionary exercise for pupils to find out which images feature in the poem and which don't as well as an opportunity to learn some French halloween vocabulary.
  • Halloween English - French


  • Epitaph poem (SCILT, Oct 2018) - Example of a short tombstone epitaph poem in German about the demise of a witch.
  • Totentanz / Dance of Death - a poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in the original German with translation in English.



  • Epitaph poem (SCILT, Oct 2018) - Example of a short tombstone epitaph poem in English about the demise of a witch.
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