SCILT BDA Education Scotland Case Study

SCILT BDA Education Scotland Case Study

SCILT, Education Scotland and the British Deaf Association (BDA) have developed a case study that provides an insight into the experiences and challenges of Deaf young people in Scotland attending secondary school, college, or university. The case study focuses on what supported the Deaf young people to effectively engage and achieve in an educational setting. It also considers the benefits and opportunities of having Deaf and hearing parents involved in the wider life of the school and how they engaged in their child’s learning.

This case study highlights the need for understanding the opportunities, challenges, and experiences that Deaf young people can face in education. It also provides an insight into what supportive approaches allow them to engage in their learning which, is key to improving their outcomes.

In addition to the case study, there are reflective questions to help practitioners consider their practice in relation to the experiences and challenges of Deaf children and young people attending school, college, or university in Scotland.

Experiences and challenges of attending school, college and university as a Deaf young person

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