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Education Scotland update

Author: Louise Glen, Education Scotland

Benchmarks in Modern Languages have been published on the National Improvement Hub. Developed by Education Scotland in consultation with individual teachers and networks across the profession, the Benchmarks embed a wide range of existing assessment guidance which includes significant aspects of learning, progression frameworks and annotated exemplification, into one key resource to support teachers’ professional judgement. The Benchmarks are presented alongside the Experiences and Outcomes, along with supporting guidance and exemplification. Teachers should begin to familiarise themselves with the Benchmarks through using them to support assessment as appropriate in their local contexts, and taking account of current school improvement priorities.

Resources are being added to the National Improvement Hub on a regular basis. Please keep checking for language-related resources.

Education Scotland has published Interventions for Equity: A framework to support Pupil Equity Funding. This is an introduction to the initial version of a framework which has been developed to support schools in the use of Scottish Attainment Challenge - Pupil Equity Funding (PEF). The framework will be continuously updated and developed to support the funding. Please keep up-to-date with Education Scotland announcements on forthcoming Scottish National Standardised Assessments (SNSA) in literacy and numeracy, which will be used in all schools from August 2017.

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