Author: Gillian Campbell-Thow, Glasgow
1+2 has been very much at the forefront of CLPL for staff this session and we are getting to the end of another very successful set of Primary Language Learning for French, Spanish and Italian. Over 100 primary teachers have been trained in language and methodology from P1-7. We have also had several training sessions all over the city for early language learning in French, Spanish, Italian and Gaelic.
Our NQTS have been fully committed to our Saturday school, providing classes to support both oral proficiency and methodology. We can only meet the needs of our learners if we meet the needs of our staff. Flexible approaches to training have allowed us to identify and localise training for as many staff as possible.
In the secondary sector, we have over 20 teachers currently engaging in an ATQ of another language and we are well on our way to having a full complement of permanent, multilingual staff.
Our MLAs have been working really hard in schools to enhance teaching and learning provision, and their work was recently highlighted at our annual languages awards. Our secondary schools are working very hard at diversity in curriculum and at making sure all learners have two languages throughout their learner journey.
In February, Baillie Cameron hosted our awards ceremony in the City Chambers. Awards were presented to learners, recognising their commitment to language learning, for business links in the community, for languages teachers of the year, for MLA of the year and finally the 1+2 language learning awards for outstanding practice in language teaching and learning. Our friends from the cultural institutes joined us together with SQA, Education Scotland, Strathclyde University as well as other local authorities. It was a great celebration of languages in Glasgow!
With over 100 languages in our schools, 1+2 is just part of what we do!

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