Author: Richard Tallaron, LFEE Europe
Chers collègues
Is this the end of the school year? Incroyable comme le temps passe!
And a busy 2016-2017 it has been…
Our French, Spanish and German tutors have been running the Primary Language Learning (PLL) programme this year for Fife, South Lanarkshire and East Lothian Councils and over 500 teachers have been trained!
Many practitioners have signed up for one of LFEE Europe’s 2017-2018 Spanish and French Immersion Courses, with Erasmus+ results announced. If your school has applied for Erasmus+ funding but you have not yet booked a place on one of our courses, now is the time to contact us.
You might already know that our training programmes in France and Spain have been accredited by the GTCS. More and more teachers from Scotland are deciding to document their learning journey in order to get professional recognition: from before attending the course to their experience abroad and the impact on their learning, teaching and leadership after the course. I have been privileged to attend all these presentations and it has been incredibly inspiring and humbling! Well done to everyone!
Coming up next year
Following on from the success of our ‘Languages and literacy/numeracy’ workshops, we are preparing our training sessions for schools and local authorities for next year: ‘Languages and STEM’, ‘Languages and health and well-being’, and ‘Languages as part of closing the attainment gap’.
On-line: We are currently piloting a newly developed online course entitled ‘French for families’, in partnership with Fife Council. Nine primary schools are taking part, with over 1000 P3, P4 and P5 pupils and their families registered! We will publish the results of this pilot at the end of the summer. If successful, the project would allow schools to engage with their parents and wider community, hopefully a step in the direction of reducing the attainment gap, promoting languages, developing literacy and much more!

Our second recent project is linked to L3 and Chinese. We are piloting six lessons in two primary schools in Angus Council. In the first school, the lessons are delivered by the classroom teacher who is learning Chinese along with the pupils. In the second school, it is delivered by a visiting specialist.
You can watch some videos of the launch of ‘French fun for families in Fife’ at the Alhambra theatre in Dunfermline AND the launch of our Chinese course on our YouTube channel.
For further information about LFEE Europe activities, please visit our website or for any queries please email Ros.
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