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Family learning and the 1+2 Approach

Author: Clare Carroll, SCILT

Family Languages event – save the date!

SCILT is delighted to be hosting a Family Languages event for young people and their families on Saturday 17 March 2018 at the University of Strathclyde. Families will have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of intergenerational activities to celebrate and promote languages and cultural diversity. There will be something to suit every member of the family, including bilingual puppet shows, Chinese calligraphy, language taster sessions and much more! More details will follow, but in the meantime, save the date!

Family Learning in Springside Primary, Irvine

As part of the Professional Learning Partnership programme, SCILT has been involved in a family learning pilot in collaboration with North Ayrshire Family Learning team and 1+2 Development Officers. The ‘Wee Famille’ project focuses on developing parental engagement within Springside Primary through learning French as a whole school community. Evaluations from all partners will be shared in a case study after the project draws to a close in December.

Coming soon! ‘Languages in a nutshell’

SCILT has joined forces with National Parent Forum Scotland (NPFS) to produce a publication aimed at providing a helpful introduction to language learning for parents and carers. The ‘Languages in a nutshell’ leaflet will add to the innovative information series for parents, carers and young people which is already available on the NPFS website and will include suggested ways for parents and carers to support children’s language learning.

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