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Employ a language assistant in a Scottish school

Author: Gerry McIntosh, British Council Scotland

The British Council is still welcoming applications to host a Modern Language Assistant (MLA) in schools for the 2018/19 academic year. We are currently processing those applications that we have already received and thank you if you have already submitted your application to the programme. In order to apply for a language assistant, please visit Apply for a language assistant in Scotland.

In Scotland, MLAs are helping schools deliver the 1+2 Approach to language learning, as well as contributing to the wider aims of Curriculum for Excellence and the agenda for developing global citizenship. Not only that, but a recent study has demonstrated that MLAs can make a huge difference to students’ exam results. Furthermore, MLAs bring a fresh perspective and engaging approach to language teaching via their enthusiasm and eagerness to share their culture with pupils. You can find further information about the benefits of hosting a language assistant in the following articles:

MLA success in Edinburgh (video)

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