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Update from LFEE

Author: Richard Tallaron, LFEE Europe and PowerLanguage

Event: International PowerLanguage Conference - Monday 17 September 2018

This year, PowerLanguage is opening its annual conference to practitioners from all over Europe and beyond, and Australian colleagues have already booked their flight! The title of our 2018 Conference is ‘The 1+2 language policy: a Scottish model’. We will reflect on the reasons why Scotland embarked on this exciting language policy six years ago, and present some of the innovative resources that we have developed over the years to support the initiative. Practitioners, development officers and special guests from Scotland will share good practice with us, and we will ask participants from other countries to present their national model too. If you are interested in attending the event, please get in touch.

New training programme: Inter-connecting

LFEE Europe will run a three-day programme in November 2018 in Edinburgh, entitled ‘Inter-connecting: The internationalisation of schools’. The aim of this event is to inform practitioners, schools and local authorities of what European programmes are available for staff and pupils to participate in, to help them deal with the application forms, and for them to meet potential partners. This course is organised in conjunction with l’Académie de Montpellier in France, and we hope to attract teachers, advisers and policy makers from several different EU countries. Please register interest with us ASAP should you wish to attend ( We will publish the full programme shortly.

Ongoing teacher training around Scotland

After a successful run of Primary Language Learning (PLL) courses in 2017-2018, our diary is filling up fast for the session 2018-2019! We look forward to training new groups of teachers in Spanish, French and German, and meeting former students during our new refresher sessions! Contact your local authority if you are interested in registering on the next PLL sessions! Please note there is a charge for these courses.

PowerLanguage online courses: L3 language resource packs readymade and good to go…

Our online programme to support the introduction of L3 into Scottish schools has been very well received by practitioners and local authorities. Over 200 schools will start with French, German, Chinese or Spanish as L3 from September 2018.

French for families #languagesforall #1plus2inthewidercommunity

One thousand families are currently enlisted on the course to complete six initial lessons with the option to explore 12 lessons in total. How could this work for your local authority? Find out more about the project on our YouTube channel and hear feedback on the project. You can contact Richard Tallaron directly.

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