Author: Marie-Claire Lyon, Aberdeen City Council
February 2018 saw Aberdeen City Council schools welcome 12 student teachers from the University of Grenoble-Alpes. This is the third year that we have participated in a programme of visits by French teacher trainees, and this year we extended the programme to our Northern Alliance partners: Highland schools welcomed five students and Shetland Islands schools welcomed four.
The students spent two weeks in primary and secondary schools and the feedback we received from them and the schools was very positive. They enhanced the language learning experience of the pupils, bringing elements of culture and supporting teachers with interactive activities as well as pronunciation. They enjoyed a day at the University of Aberdeen School of Education, where they took part in workshops organised by Scottish student teachers. This also provided opportunities for Scottish schools to establish a link with French partners.
This programme of visits is part of the students’ training programme in France and they take advantage of their school holidays to travel.
The French course co-ordinator in Grenoble has confirmed that interest is increasing and we are now working together to plan next year’s programme.

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