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Lingo Leaders to the rescue!

Author: Stacey Arneil, North Ayrshire Council

Across North Ayrshire, teachers have been confidently embedding the language content from Years 1-3 of the North Ayrshire Language Learning Framework. Most of this language is taught through daily routines.

As teachers began implementing Years 4 and 5 of the framework, we realised that embedding the language content at these stages was more challenging for class teachers. With this in mind, we developed a resource pack for pupils to become leaders in language in their own classroom. The Lingo Leaders programme aims to support teachers by allowing pupils to take the lead in consolidating language learning in the classroom on a daily basis.

The resource pack contains everything the Lingo Leaders need to get started. They lead their peers in a variety of fun activities to practise their L2 for 10 minutes a day. They are responsible for helping the class teacher remember to allow them 10 minutes a day for language practice in the class. Lingo Leaders raise excitement about language learning while encouraging their peers to learn. In addition, they are developing fundamental leadership skills and building confidence in languages in their school.

Currently we have eight schools that have volunteered to pilot the Lingo Leaders programme. To measure the success of the programme, we are gathering information from the class teachers involved in order to record their opinions before, during and after the pilot. In addition, we will be in touch with the Lingo Leaders themselves to get their views. After the pilot is complete, we will look at ways to improve the programme and develop packs to support language learning in Years 5, 6 and 7 of our framework. Next session, we aim to rollout the Lingo Leaders programme across all primary schools in North Ayrshire in order to provide teachers with essential support in their classroom for a sustainable future for 1+2!

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